The Brobots are minor antagonists from the animated TV show, Phineas and Ferb. They are robots created by Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher to help them with finishing their plans. Two different models were made, with the Phinedroids resembling Phineas and the Ferbots resembling Ferb. They were referred to as both "robots" and "androids", with their appearance leaning more towards the definition of an android. They were dubbed "brobots" after Candace spotted them and thought her brothers were robots.
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| - The Brobots are minor antagonists from the animated TV show, Phineas and Ferb. They are robots created by Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher to help them with finishing their plans. Two different models were made, with the Phinedroids resembling Phineas and the Ferbots resembling Ferb. They were referred to as both "robots" and "androids", with their appearance leaning more towards the definition of an android. They were dubbed "brobots" after Candace spotted them and thought her brothers were robots.
- The inspiration for this project came on a day when they were trying to decide which of five different plans to work on that day ("I, Brobot"). A falling leaf emphasized how little time was left in their summer vacation, prompting Phineas to say: “Hey, Ferb. Summer doesn't last forever, and we got too many plans for just the two of us. We either need more days of summer, or more of us.” ―Phineas
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| - Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher
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| - Robots that look like Phineas and Ferb
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| - hard-working, evil at times
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| - Get caught by Santa Claus
- Help defeat the Norm Bots
| - Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher
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| - Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension
| - The Brobots are minor antagonists from the animated TV show, Phineas and Ferb. They are robots created by Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher to help them with finishing their plans. Two different models were made, with the Phinedroids resembling Phineas and the Ferbots resembling Ferb. They were referred to as both "robots" and "androids", with their appearance leaning more towards the definition of an android. They were dubbed "brobots" after Candace spotted them and thought her brothers were robots.
- The inspiration for this project came on a day when they were trying to decide which of five different plans to work on that day ("I, Brobot"). A falling leaf emphasized how little time was left in their summer vacation, prompting Phineas to say: “Hey, Ferb. Summer doesn't last forever, and we got too many plans for just the two of us. We either need more days of summer, or more of us.” ―Phineas