| - The Idea Engine(イデア機関Idea Kikan) is a device that originally belonged to Lambda -No. 11- before being transferred to Ragna the Bloodedge. Little is known about it at this point except that it is able to bypass the Azure Grimoire's negation. According to Kokonoe, the Idea Engine is a more powerful version of an Artificial Causality Phenomenon Weapon installed in Iron Tager. By merging with Ragna's BlazBlue, it turned it into a similar, yet different being from Terumi's version. It completely changed the process in which the power was managed and harnessed, allowing Ragna to surpass Terumi. As a result, the outline of Ragna's BlazBlue's crest had changed from red to blue, signifying that it had come closer to the true power of the Azure. Ex Machina: Minerva is also known to be equipped with an Idea Engine. During the mission to capture Azrael in the ruins of Ibukido, Tager was equipped with both, the Artificial Causality Weapon and an another prototype of the Idea Engine. During the encounter, the Idea Engine was used to synchronize with Azrael's Enchant: Dragunov, forcing it to overload and seal most of the Mad Dog's power. This ended up in breaking the Engine from putting too much stress on it, as it was not made for those kinds of operations. In the worst-case scenario, the limiter could've flood Tager's systems instead and blown him to pieces. Usually, the Idea Engine causes some sort of customary negative effects on the user, but for some reason they were not present on Lambda -No. 11-.