Los Icetromper eran bestias de cuatro patas gigantes que se encuentraban en el planeta helado de Hoth. Fueron ocasiones aprovechados por los wampas, pero su principal depredador fueron grandes cazadores humanos.
Icetromper's are large passive beasts who travel in hordes on the cold snow covered planet of Hoth.
Icetrompers were giant four-legged herd beasts found on the ice planet Hoth. They were occasionally preyed on by wampas, but their main predators were Human big-game hunters.
Los Icetromper eran bestias de cuatro patas gigantes que se encuentraban en el planeta helado de Hoth. Fueron ocasiones aprovechados por los wampas, pero su principal depredador fueron grandes cazadores humanos.
Icetromper's are large passive beasts who travel in hordes on the cold snow covered planet of Hoth.
Icetrompers were giant four-legged herd beasts found on the ice planet Hoth. They were occasionally preyed on by wampas, but their main predators were Human big-game hunters.