| - is a Kumogakure shinobi.
- thumb|Tango und Pike. Tango ist eins der Reitpferde von Christopher Pike. Er liebt es, Zuckerwürfel zu kauen und wird von Pike auch gerne Teufel genannt. Pike reitet oft mit dem Pferd in die Parks und Umgebung von Mojave aus. 2254 erscheint Tango Pike als Teil eines imaginären Picknicks mit Vina, während er unter dem Einfluss der Talosianer steht. In dieser Illusion hat Vina eine Thermosflasche mit Kaffee an Tangos Sattel befestigt. (TOS: , ) Nach dem Roman Burning Dreams bekommt Christopher Pike Tango von seinem Vater Charlie Pike geschenkt. Kategorie:Haustier en:Tango it:Tango
- Tango ist ein Fluss zwischen den Bergregionen Narok und Velhad. Der Fluss entspringt im Nordwesten der Falken Berge und mündet in die Praxeda-Bucht. Die Hafenstadt Lan Exeter liegt an der Flussmündung des Tango. Der Tango wird in dem Roman "Der Schwalbenturm" ("Wieża Jaskółki") erwähnt.
- Tango is a song written by Eduardo Cruz that was briefly featured in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Tango is played by Scrum at the beginning of an intimate scene between Jack Sparrow and Angelica, but eventually fades into the song titled Angelica.
- Categoría:PersonajesTango (タンゴ, Tango) es un shinobi que se encuentra bajo el mando de Kankurō durante la Cuarta Gran Guerra Ninja.
- |-| substantif masculin = étymologie
* (étymologie manquante)Catégorie:étymologie manquante
* singulier : tango [ˈtaŋgo]
* pluriel: tangos [ˈtaŋgos] 1.
* Catégorie:Danse Catégorie:Musique tango, danse et musique argentines
- Tango ist eine Roboterkatze und wurde von Dr. Light im Jahr 20XX erschaffen und dient als Helfer von Mega Man. Dabei ist Tango ebenfalls im Stande einen Spin Dash als Attacke zu benutzen.
- "Tango" is a song from the Elmo the Musical segment, "President the Musical." President Elmo and the number 2 sing the tango song in Elmo's Oval Office, summarizing the number's reform and Elmo's stint as President.
- Tango sind ein Nutzgegenstand aus DotA und Dota 2.
- Wiki Tango
- Tango ist ein Shinobi aus Kumogakure, der sich scheinbar mit der Technik der Chakraübermittlung über große Entfernungen auskennt.
- thumbTango es un gato robot que pertenece a Mega Man . Él fue hecho por el Dr.Light con el fin de ayudar a Mega Man a acabar con el Dr. Albert Wily y sus fuerzas,los Robot Masters.
- Tango es un personaje menor que aparece por primera vez en el episodio Reloj de Oro. Es un soldado de la fuerza aérea junto con su gran amigo y compañero Stash.
- Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Tango est un shinobi du village caché de Kumo.
- Clues in the murder of a high-school girl point to a prostitute and her partner, and a war of words ensues as each accuses the other of the crime. Later, Connie deals with a staunch admirer in the jury pool.
- Tango estas socialisma sporto, kiu naskiĝis en Bonaero, Islando. La muzikaj stiloj, kiuj evoluis kun la danco, ankaŭ vomiĝas tango.
- Tango – je řeka protékající hornatou oblastí Naroku a Velhadu. Pramení v Dračích horách a vlévá se v Zálivu Praxeda do Velkého moře. Přístavní město Lan Exeter, zimní hlavní sídlo Koviru, leží na této řece.
- Tango (タンゴ Tangou?) es el compañero gato robótico de Mega Man y una de sus mascotas, fue creado por el Dr. Light, antes de los acontecimientos de Mega Man V. Tango fue originalmente creado, sólo para pretender ser un animal doméstico, pero a raíz del incidente de los Astrodroides, el Dr. Light le convierte en un robot de batalla para apoyar a Mega Man.
- Name: Tango Run Time: 3:48 Track Number: 1 (Disc 4) Written By: Jon Anderson, Chris Squire, Steve Howe, Rick Wakeman, Alan White Year: 2002
- Tango is a heavyweight robot in the works by Team Panoramic which was intended to be completed for entry in Series 9 of Robot Wars, but it was not chosen by the producers to participate as it was proven unable to be completed in time.
- Tango was the name given to a Caucasian female Active for the Los Angeles Dollhouse. Tango has eaten breakfast with Echo and Mike on at least one occasion and has been heard to exclaim that she likes pancakes. Tango was also seen being sent out on an engagement after being imprinted with an identity. (S1: "Needs")
- Tango is a robotic house cat that once used to be a support unit. He dislikes dogs, especially Rush and Treble.
- Der Tango ist ein Schreittanz im 2/4- oder 4/4-Takt der bei 31 bis 33 Takten pro Minute getanzt wird. Er gehört zu den Standardtänzen und wird als Turniertanz ab der D-Klasse getanzt.
- Tango is a dance performed on Dancing with the Stars. Even though it is commonly associated with its Argentinian roots, the ballroom Tango contains more elements of American and European ballroom dances, compared to the traditional Argentine Tango. It is typically performed in a closed hold position. It is one of the five ballroom dances currently competed internationally by professional dancers, along with the Waltz, Viennese Waltz, Foxtrot, and Quickstep. In Dancing with the Stars, the Tango was introduced in season 1.
- Tango (タンゴ, Tango) es un shinobi que se encuentra bajo el mando de Kankurō durante la Cuarta Gran Guerra Ninja.
- Tango (タンゴ Tango?) is Mega Man's feline pet created by Dr. Light in Mega Man V to assist him in the battle against the Stardroids.
- Tango ist eine Roboterkatze, die von Dr. Light als Supportunit für Mega Man gebaut wurde und zum ersten Mal in Mega Man V auftauchte, um Mega Man bei der Bekämpfung der Stardroids zu helfen.
- Tango est un fleuve qui prend sa source dans les Monts des Dragons, s'écoule dans les régions montagneuses de Narok et de Velhad avant de se jeter dans la Baie de Praxède, dans la Grande Mer. La ville portuaire de Lan Exeter, la capitale d'hiver des rois de Kovir, est située à l'embouchure du fleuve Tango.
- TANGO's new character design will be up within the week, portraying him with still some of his rainbow characteristics but looking more like his creator.
- Tango is a character from the Nerf N-Strike video games. He is the Demolition Specialist of N-Strike Elite. His favorite and default blaster is the Raider CS-35.
- Tango is a romance comics anthology which was published almost annually by Bernard Caleo's Cardigan Comics from 1997 to 2009. From the third issue onwards, each issue had its own sub-theme. In 2009 a collection of stories from Tango issues 1-8 was published by Allen & Unwin as The Tango Collection.
- In tegenstelling tot de van Adtranz overgenomen Variobahn/Variotram is de Tango een eigen ontwikkeling, die gebruikt maakt van diverse onderdelen die reeds bij de andere productfamilies GTW en FLIRT toegepast worden. Met de Variobahn kan de Tango echter wel een aantal onderdelen gemeenschappelijk hebben, zoals de pantograaf, de deuren, electrische installties tot aan stoelen. In tegenstelling tot de Variobahn heeft de Tango draaistellen, wat voor betere rijeigenschappen zorgt maar er ook voor zorgt dat een 100% lagevloer niet mogelijk is.
- A cute robotic cat, and one of Mega Man's more useful allies, Tango debuted in Mega Man V. Tango can change himself into a buzzsaw and dive into enemies. Tango returned in Rockman & Forte: Challenger From The Future for the WonderSwan and was featured in Mega Man 10. Despite his small number of appearances, he has a large fanbase. In Mega Man V, Tango rolls toward the screen to attack enemies. Tango vanishes when the energy is depleted, when falling into a pit, or when the player leaves the room where Tango was used. He functions much the same way in Challenger From The Future.
- Tango was one of two horses owned by Starfleet Captain Christopher Pike at his home in Mojave, the other horse being Mary Lou. Tango was fond of sugar cubes, and Pike often kept a supply in his jacket pocket. Pike often rode out to the park land surrounding Mojave with Tango and a picnic lunch.
- The Tango is one of three usable naval vessels featured in Battlefield Vietnam. It's the USMC's choice of transport for moving a large number of infantry while affording them some protection. It also acts as a mobile spawn point, making it ideal for amphibious attacks on enemy bases. It has four player positions: one at the steering wheel, one featuring a 20mm cannon, and two featuring a .50 caliber machine gun each. All gunner positions also protect the users from enemy fire. If all positions are occupied, players choosing to spawn on the Tango will spawn either directly on or around it.
- "Typhoon" Tango (タンゴ, Tangoo) is a big time rookie and pirate captain, who is the captain of the Tango Pirates and now is an officer in the Impostor Tyrant Pirates. Much like Levi Anderson and countless others, he had brought an idea of an alliance up between his crew and the impostor crew. In hopes that he will gain countless fame for all of his crimes that he has done, Tango is a Ground Shark Fishman and is considered one of the big time rookies of fishmen as well. Originally Tango was an infamous bandit in the south blue and for years had run countless islands, until he was stopped by the Skull Spade Pirates and then he was forced to escape to the new world.
- In the Societies’ literalism week back in 1997, we decided to concurrently drink this beverage and dance a tango (initial attempts at doing this sequentially had collapsed into dire repercussions). The matter was somewhat of a debacle, as it ended in piteous screams and stained tarmac. Unfortunately the attempt was prompted by our hearing a tango on radio three as we took a coach trip down the M6 and sensing opportunity we bade the driver halt. He naturally recoiled, we remained steadfast. As the societal members detected something akin to rancour in his manner, we immediately burst into conditions of hysteria and panic. Upon our eventual restraint, lying on the back seat, we issued an eloquent plea for compassion: “mummy”. As one kindly old lady stroked our hair and bade us “calm down”, t
- Tango was part of an effort by Heston to introduce horses to Elysium, which had no such native animals on that world. As an embryo, Tango was implanted into one of the mares that Heston brought to that world, and was born 11 months later. From the very beginning, Chris and Charlie Pike helped take care of Tango. Tango died shortly after Spock took Chris to Talos IV in 2267. (TOS novel: Burning Dreams)