| - Elizabeth Dowdell of Union Hill, New Jersey was a Third Class passenger of the Titanic. She survived the sinking. She boarded the Titanic at Southampton as nurse to the 5-year-old Virginia Ethel Emmanuel whom she was escorting to her grandparents home in New York City. They shared a third class cabin with Amy Stanley who recalled the couple years later: ""My two cabin mates were a Nurse and an 11 year old [sic] child, her [the nurse's] name was Elizabeth. The child was alone, because her parents were still in Europe and she was going home to America." After the rescue... "I found Elizabeth and the Nurse I roomed with on the Titanic, I was so glad they survived the trauma."" Amy also mentions them in a letter to her parents written immediately after their arrival in New York: ""I shared a cabin with an American lady and child. I assisted them to dress, and then we went up on deck. We tried to reach the boats. Then I saw two fellows (whom we met at meals, the only men we made real friends of) coming towards us, who assisted us over the railings into the lifeboat."" Amy Stanley was assisted into Collapsible C. Elizabeth and the little Virginia were rescued in lifeboat 13. Miss Dowdell made an insurance claim of $469 (claim B5 c/o Miss Martin, Savoy Hotel, London). Miss Dowdell later became Mrs Fierer and attended the New York premiere of A Night to Remember in 1958. She passed away in the Bronx, New York, on 16 November 1962 at the age of seventy. She was buried at the Holy Name Cemetery, Jersey City, New Jersey.