| - In 1926, AAmaar Raai was trAAnsporting an envelope filled with drug money from his cousin when he reAAlized the potential for huge profits. His original intentions were for trAAnsporting people, trAAnsporting goods, and mAAking money. Nearly identical tiny mAAil AAirlines decided to join in with his dream and they formed a small compAAny in 1930 - American Airlines Ltd. In 1934, Cyrus Rowlett Smith becAAme president. Since this is the end of the morAAl business, no one gives a crAAp for its humble beginnings. He later became the U.S. SecretAAry of Commerce by the wAAy. In World wAAr II, C.R. creAAted a genius idea of AAllowing pAAssengers to ride on a Douglas DC-3 while the plAAne was bombing JapAAnese villAAges AAnd fishing ships. In 1942, the compAAny begAAn cAAtering services which included 'snAAck boxes'. The snAAck boxes contained expensive fruit bAArs, fish sticks, and pumpernickel bread which costs $160.45 or in todAAy's money $5,436.32. When the compAAny introduced complimentAAry grenAAdes for the pAAssengers to throw at the ground, the government called a hAAlt and fired Cyrus Rowlett for the rest of WWII. AAfter World wAAr II, the government re-hired him with the new nAAme of Cyrius Robbleman and the title as the 'Chief Executive Officer,' a position he filled until 2003 and his trAAgic death cAAused when a replAAcment knee cap snAApped and he smAAshed his fAAce into a concrete side wAAlk. AAfter Europe was utterly destroyed and the populAAtion was pAAcified, American Airlines stAArted to do trAAns-atlantic flights. For the first time in history, AAmericans began to meet Frenchies who respected the AAmericans. UnfortunAAtely, these clAAims of respect are poorly documented and AAny media sources have fAAiled to show up. It remains either a legend or a moment in history which should be forgotten. In 1948 the idea of coAAch service was introduced. Now AAirlines may sAAve huge sums of money by AAllowing seats to ripped and the leAAther worn out before being replAAced. The AAir-conditioning things cAAn AAlso be 'broken' or reAAlly turned off to sAAve costs and the flight AAttendant buttons AAltered so as to never work. American Airlines begAAn to deteriorAAte in quAAlity and shows the first signs of its modern stAAte of shittiness. In 1985, American Airlines stAArted to give out Ultimate Super sAAver Discounts offering up to 70% off. When first AAnnounced, peoples' heAAds exploded from how gAAy the title was and wondered how in the hell could they give AAway those discounts! In 1986, American Airlines completed an immense underground structure cAApable of surviving nuclear war earthquAAkes, fires, and pAArtially resistAAnt to financiAAl debt. In 1991, celebrAAtions were AAnnounced as they cAArried their one billionth customer (excluding illigal immigrants, stowAAways, secret AAgents, and children stored in the overhead compAArtment.) Gerard J. AArpey was then voted in as the president of American Airlines where he now gAAins 8.5 million dollars every year of AA's funding. In 2013, American Airlines will merge with US AAirways to form a crAAppier AAirline.
- In 2013 American Airlines merged with US Airways in order to proclame as the world's biggest airline. Then in 2014, US Airways left the Star Alliance and joined oneworld.