The Cameron Cars are a semi-official collection of cars for Carmageddon II. A batch of 20 vehicles, ranging between mundane and insane, were created by Stainless. Due to various restrictions, they never made it into the game. However, after enquiring about the Moo Mobile's existance, a little correspondance led to a staff member called Cameron sending the necessary files to Errol of fansite Toxic Ragers. Errol polished up the vehicles to make them work in-game, then made them available for download in June 1999.
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| - The Cameron Cars are a semi-official collection of cars for Carmageddon II. A batch of 20 vehicles, ranging between mundane and insane, were created by Stainless. Due to various restrictions, they never made it into the game. However, after enquiring about the Moo Mobile's existance, a little correspondance led to a staff member called Cameron sending the necessary files to Errol of fansite Toxic Ragers. Errol polished up the vehicles to make them work in-game, then made them available for download in June 1999.
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| - The Cameron Cars are a semi-official collection of cars for Carmageddon II. A batch of 20 vehicles, ranging between mundane and insane, were created by Stainless. Due to various restrictions, they never made it into the game. However, after enquiring about the Moo Mobile's existance, a little correspondance led to a staff member called Cameron sending the necessary files to Errol of fansite Toxic Ragers. Errol polished up the vehicles to make them work in-game, then made them available for download in June 1999.