| - Chadd Cole is strapped to a bed in the office of Dr. Kirk Langstrom, who is trying to cure him via a blood transfusion. Chadd is so overcome with bloodlust and hunger that he has lost all awareness of where he is and how he got there. Superman confers with Batman and Dr. Langstrom, who inform Superman that the blood transfusion failed to cure the boy. The virus is simply too strong and the new blood became infected immediately. Chadd The boy is pronounced dead, and then quickly revives, and seems to grow stronger and more aggressive. This is how the virus works; by killing the host, and then bringing the host back to "life" in an "undead" state.
When cornered by Superman and Langstrom, Chadd manage to break through a rear window made of bulletproof glass. Only after he is in freefall does he realize he had been on the upper floor of a skyscraper, hundreds of feet above the street. As Chadd falls, he succumbs immediately to the effects of sunlight; ending his brief "undead life". Superman, Batman, and Langstrom briefly mourn the loss of the boy in silence.
Jason Blood returns with a new plan for addressing the vampire/werewolf problem. They head to Gotham Park, since that is a site likely to attract the damned. Jason utters the incantation that transforms him into Etrigan the Demon. Then he performs a mystic ritual designed to bring the supernatural creatures forth. He uses the remains of Chadd Cole as bait, which makes Superman uneasy but he defers to the judgment of Etrigan given to Superman's issues with magic. The spell works as Marius Dimeter and Janko are inexorably drawn to the gathering.
Suddenly, the tentacled that escaped from Herbert Combs' laboratory appears. Janko transforms into his werewolf form and tackles the creature. Superman aims a powerful blast of heat vision at the creature. Suddenly, a horde of vampires and werewolves materialize in response to Etrigan's spell. A battle royal ensues; with Superman, Batman, Marius Dimeter, and Janko on one side; and the vampire and werewolf horde and the hideous monster on the other. Etrigan does not join the fight; as he is busy preparing for an even greater role. When Etrigan is ready, Superman hurls the monster into the mystic circle; and Etrigan recites another spell and banishes the creature back to the realm from which it came. This happens in an impressive display of mystical light and energy; and the faces of the creature's murder victims are briefly displayed.
With the monster gone, at least one of the victims has returned to human form. There is speculation that if Chadd Cole had not been exposed to sunlight, he would be back to normal now also. Superman flies away with the remains of Chadd Cole to see to a proper burial. Dimeter and Janko are very discouraged to discover that unlike some others, they have not reverted to their human selves. This disappointment leads to bickering and threats between Marius and Janko. After Janko leaves, Batman suggests that because Dimeter has "a soul", he can reason and fight the hunger within. Because of this, Batman feels that Marius would be an excellent vampire hunter, able to track down and confront the remaining vampires. But Marius wants no part of it and just wants to return to normal. As he vanishes, Marius declares that he will find a cure for the virus.
At Arkham Asylum, Herbert Combs is being escorted to his cell. Combs is plotting and scheming to produce even greater mystical mischief next time.
Dimeter is in a car, using his lady friend to help chauffeur him around. Marius needs the help of his friend, since she can move around in the daylight. Batman looks on and ponders. He decides that although Dimeter is violent and unpredictable, he is better than the evil he is hunting. Then Batman realizes that some people say the same thing about him.