| - "Gammer's advice was almost clear enough to be useful! I'll see Septa Eleanor in private."
- "My [lady/lord], Septa Eleanor has apparently received a troubling letter from the Riverlands. I'd guess this is related to her noble upbringing somehow."
- "Oh, is it time to know what Gammer thinks? Ask me what a peck of flowery tripe like Eleanor means to be doing in the syrup?"
- "Septa Eleanor is of noble lineage? How did she come to wear the blue?"
- "Rona, what would be in this letter that has Septa Eleanor so upset?"
- "As of now, Rona, your only mission will be to learn what has Septa Eleanor so upset."
- Rona crosses her arms. "I don't know what the letter is about, my [lady/lord]. Septa Eleanor confides in me but seldomly, and never on personal matters."
- "I have no details, but it is not unheard of for young noblewomen to give up their previous life and take an oath to serve the Faith."
- "Maester Lucas, you and Groat will become experts on Septa Eleanor's noble roots."
- "Gammer, I don't suppose you have any insights into Septa Eleanor's state of mind?"