| - Each adventurer has different special voyages and the chance of receiving a certain special voyage can be increased by building the appropriate totem hotspot.
* Story mode voyages: These missions advance an adventurer's storyline, with the final mission providing a large reward. These story mission are related to the different islands of the Wushanko isles, and later missions require access to later regions. These missions can only be completed once, but will be available until completion every time the adventurer appears and the requirements have been met.
* Resource voyages: These missions provide either building materials or trade goods as a reward. The type of trade good depends on the adventurer, and the amount is increased when the player unlocks more areas. The Arc and Skull areas will not provide any Trade goods.
* Scroll voyages: These missions provide a piece of an eastern scroll (the type of scroll is chosen in the Port Management). If all four parts of the chosen scroll have already been earned, the voyage will be wasted.
* Experience voyages: These missions provide experience in the adventurer's skill (e.g. The Biologist will reward Herblore experience). The more areas unlocked, the more experience rewarded.
* Clue voyages: These missions advance an adventurer's progress towards finding a new island. Adventurers must be sent to the correct island and the voyage must return successfully to make progress on the clue. When spoken to in Surula's bar, adventurers can be directed to different islands. If not directed before the voyage is sent, adventurers will go to a random island. Map tables provide the appropriate island destination. The correct island differs player to player. Once an adventurer has located their island, they gain access to a new special voyage with unique rewards (such as Powder Kegs, Gift of Gu, etc.). These hidden missions require region focus to be at or beyond the region that they are set in. The adversity for these resource, scroll and experience voyages is related to the highest region unlocked, regardless of Port Management focus. An adventurer may only go on one special voyage a day. When sent out, all other missions involving them will be removed from list. Special voyages cannot be individually rerolled, but adventurer rerolls can generate a new set of visiting adventurers with their own voyages. To avoid wasting any special voyages, ensure any adventurers already in port have set sail before activating the reroll. Special Joint Voyages are available when specific pairs of adventurers are in the port. Adventurers that can join together for joint voyages are:
* The Assassin and the Convict
* The Whaler and the Biologist
* The Missionary and the Occultist
* The Chef and Biologist
* The Architect and the Missionary
* The Trapper and the Assassin
* The Exile and the Whaler
* The Memory and the Occultist
* The Tengu and the Convict Final story missions become available when the storyline for certain adventurers have been completed and two of the three adventures are in the port. Completing one of these final storylines is a Competionist cape requirement and completing all four of these is required for the Master Quest Cape and Completionist cape (t).