| - Amsha Bashir era la moglie di Richard Bashir e la madre di Julian Bashir. Nel 2348, Julian (o "Jules") aveva alcuni problemi a scuola, poiché non riusciva ad apprendere velocemente come gli altri bambini. Ella ed il marito decisero di recarsi su Adigeon Prime per far modificare geneticamente il figlio. Allora, Julian iniziò a recuperare celermente, superando gli altri studenti. Nel 2351, Amsha e la sua famiglia risiedevano su Invernia II. (DS9: "Melora")
- Amsha Bashir was the wife of Richard Bashir and mother of Julian Bashir. In 2348, Julian (or "Jules") was having problems in school, not learning as quickly as the other kids. She and her husband decided to go to Adigeon Prime to have their son genetically enhanced. He then quickly began catching up, and surpassing the other students. In 2351, she and her family lived on Invernia II. (DS9: "Melora")
- thumb|Amsha Bashir (2373) Amsha Bashir ist die Mutter von Julian Bashir und die Ehefrau seines Vaters Richard Bashir. Es zeichnet sich ab, dass ihr Sohn kein besonders kluger Junge ist und so entschließt sie sich mit ihrem Mann, ihren Sohn genetisch verbessern zu lassen. Da dies in der Föderation streng verboten ist, muss es die Familie Bashir geheimhalten, um Julian (oder Jules) ein normales Leben zu ermöglichen. Amsha Bashir wurde von Fadwa El Guindi gespielt und von Monica Bielenstein synchronisiert.
- Amsha Bashir was a female Human who lived in the 24th century. Amsha was the wife of Richard Bashir and the mother of Julian Bashir. She was a native of Earth. (ST website: Startrek.com) In 2348, Amsha and her husband were so concerned that Julian's poor development, that they took to their son to Adigeon Prime to undergo the accelerated critical neural pathway formation procedure. In 2373, Amsha and Richard were invited to Deep Space 9 by Lewis Zimmerman for interviews as part of Julian's role as the template for the new LMH holoprogram. Bashir's secret was revealed when Amsha and Richard mistook the LMH for their son. (DS9 episode: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume")
| - Amsha Bashir was a female Human who lived in the 24th century. Amsha was the wife of Richard Bashir and the mother of Julian Bashir. She was a native of Earth. (ST website: Startrek.com) In 2348, Amsha and her husband were so concerned that Julian's poor development, that they took to their son to Adigeon Prime to undergo the accelerated critical neural pathway formation procedure. In 2373, Amsha and Richard were invited to Deep Space 9 by Lewis Zimmerman for interviews as part of Julian's role as the template for the new LMH holoprogram. Bashir's secret was revealed when Amsha and Richard mistook the LMH for their son. (DS9 episode: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume") Amsha enjoyed thriller novels that her son believed were old-fashioned. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Cathedral)
- Amsha Bashir was the wife of Richard Bashir and mother of Julian Bashir. In 2348, Julian (or "Jules") was having problems in school, not learning as quickly as the other kids. She and her husband decided to go to Adigeon Prime to have their son genetically enhanced. He then quickly began catching up, and surpassing the other students. In 2351, she and her family lived on Invernia II. (DS9: "Melora") In 2373, when Doctor Lewis Zimmerman was modeling the Long-term Medical Holographic program (LMH) after Doctor Bashir, he invited Amsha and Richard to Deep Space 9. Their first visit there, they were eager to meet Julian's friends and tell stories of his childhood. Soon, they had to fill out questionnaires, and be interviewed for the personality program of the LMH program. Afterward, they mistook the LMH program for the real Julian Bashir, and told it about Julian's genetic enhancement. O'Brien and Zimmerman were monitoring the program and Zimmerman then reported the breach of conduct to Starfleet Command, who threatened to discharge Julian from Starfleet. Richard and Amsha agreed to accept a compromise, that Richard would spend two years in a minimum security penal colony in New Zealand, and Starfleet would allow Julian to remain in the service. (DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume") Amsha Bashir was played by actress Fadwa El Guindi. In the first draft script of "Doctor Bashir, I Presume", this character's first name was "Mariel". The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion noted the difficulties Junie Lowry-Johnson and Ron Surma had with casting an actress to play Amsha Bashir. Alexander Siddig noted that there are few Muslim actresses in the West. Fadwa El Guindi was found by Surma, as she had performed community theatre. Ira Steven Behr noted that she was nervous about acting, but considered her performance to have been excellent.
- Amsha Bashir era la moglie di Richard Bashir e la madre di Julian Bashir. Nel 2348, Julian (o "Jules") aveva alcuni problemi a scuola, poiché non riusciva ad apprendere velocemente come gli altri bambini. Ella ed il marito decisero di recarsi su Adigeon Prime per far modificare geneticamente il figlio. Allora, Julian iniziò a recuperare celermente, superando gli altri studenti. Nel 2351, Amsha e la sua famiglia risiedevano su Invernia II. (DS9: "Melora") Nel 2373, nel periodo in cui il dottor Lewis Zimmerman stava progettando il programma del medico olografico a lungo termine (LMH) basandosi sul dottor Bashir, invitò Amsha e Richard su Deep Space 9. Poiché si trattava della loro prima visita sulla stazione, erano impazienti di conoscere gli amici di Julian e di raccontare storie circa la sua infanzia. Presto, dovettero compilare questionari, e venir intervistati per il programma relativo alla personalità del programma LMH. In seguito, scambiarono il programma LMH per il vero Julian Bashir, e gli dissero della modifica genetica di Julian. O'Brien e Zimmerman stavano monitorando il programma e Zimmerman disse che si era verificata una falla di condotto al Comando della Flotta Stellare, il quale minacciò di allontanare Julian dalla Flotta Stellare. Richard ed Amsha acconsentirono ad accettare un compromesso, e cioè che Richard avrebbe trascorso due anni in una colonia penale di minima sicurezza in Nuova Zelanda, e questo per far in modo che la Flotta Stellare permettesse a Julian di rimanere in servizio. (DS9: "Il Dottor Bashir, suppongo")
- thumb|Amsha Bashir (2373) Amsha Bashir ist die Mutter von Julian Bashir und die Ehefrau seines Vaters Richard Bashir. Es zeichnet sich ab, dass ihr Sohn kein besonders kluger Junge ist und so entschließt sie sich mit ihrem Mann, ihren Sohn genetisch verbessern zu lassen. Da dies in der Föderation streng verboten ist, muss es die Familie Bashir geheimhalten, um Julian (oder Jules) ein normales Leben zu ermöglichen. Im Jahr 2373 besucht sie mit ihrem Mann Richard Deep Space 9, da Julian das neue Modell für das nächste MHL werden soll. In einem Gespräch mit einem Testhologramm, das das Ehepaar für Julian hält, verraten sie das Geheminis der Bashirs. Ihr Mann Richard entschließt sich die Schuld auf sich zu nehmen, um Julians Position in der Sternenflotte zu retten. (DS9: ) Amsha Bashir wurde von Fadwa El Guindi gespielt und von Monica Bielenstein synchronisiert.