| - Dennis: It's a great day for menacing! Come on, Gnasher! Charge! (both run to the front door) Narrator: Oh no! What dastardly deed lurks on Dennis's door step? (sniffing) Poo! A bath full smelling water and a bucket full of rose petals! Dennis: Ow! Pink Glove: (Laughing) Beware the Pink Glove! Hee hee hee! Dennis: Bah! I'm not gonna let any Pink Glove get the better of me. (Rasher appears and knocks Dennis over. He seems nervous) What's up, Rasher? Dennis: Wow! Who would have done such a heartless thing as tiding up your sty? (Rasher shows him a pink glove) That's it! I'll fix this softy... with a glove of my own! Rasher: Oink! Dennis: My soft-field mitten will sort it out. Scene: Near a store. Dennis, Gnasher and Rasher wait for the Pink Glove Dennis: There's his horse! Yeah, He's in for it now. (throws the blue glove at the store, but it bounces back and hits him) How did that happen? Pink Glove: (Laughing) Dennis: (sees the Pink Glove escaping) The Pink Glove. Grrr! Go on, Gnasher, sniff him out! Gnasher: (starts to follow the Pink Glove's scent. He smells some perfume and stops) Dennis: Oh, yuck! Too strong a perfume pong for a menacing mutt! Rasher! (Rasher kisses Gnasher and awakens him) Dennis: (laughing) Rasher's kiss of life would revive anyone. (sees the Pink Glove) Grrr! There he is, the Pink Glove. (Dennis, Gnasher and Rasher go and attack him) Dennis:& There! Gotcha! (unmasks the Pink Glove, but sees a teddy bear instead) Ughhh! A trick! Man: (Laughing) Oh Ho, I didn't know Dennis liked hugging teddies! (Laughing) Dennis: He's in for it when I catch him! Making a softie out me! Pink Glove: (Laughing) Scene: Dennis' house. Dennis is sleeping, thinking about the Pink Glove. Dennis: ZZZZ... Pink Glove... Grrr... Making me look a softie... I have to catch him. (wakes up) Ah! Hit the lights, Gnasher! I've got a jolly good idea who sneaked in into this... The Pink Glove. Scene: Dennis' house. Dennis shows Gnasher the possible suspects. Dennis: Right. Here are the suspects: Softy Walter, Bertie Blakensop and Spotty Perkins. Narrator: At the ice factory... Dennis: (gets a big ice cube and rides on it) And now, to flush out the Pink Glove by putting my master plan in action! Yahoo! Straight into the Softie's chalet, Gnasher! They'll have to put gloves on to push the ice back out. All we have to do is wait for them to come back from Dean-Deans, and we-ll grab the one wearing those fancy pink gloves! Yeah! What a plan! Pink Glove: Hee hee hee! I'm locking in Dennis to you cool off! (laughing) Dennis: There he is, Gnasher! Let's get him! (They try to open the door, but it's locked) It's useless, Gnasher! We've been trapped by the Pink Glove! Scene: The Softies return to their home, singing. Walter: Come along, fellow softies. We got some fetching needlepoint to do. Cool! It appears we have guests, chums! Chums: Oh, I say! Walter: Get your camera ready, Bertie. We must capture this moment forever. Dennis: Pink Glove... But Where? (Gnasher hands him a book) Dennis: Me, soft? Never! I was just reading this to get idea to trap the Pink Glove! Scene: Outside the Softy House. Dennis and Gnasher, hidden in a bush, see the Softies prancing. Dennis: Ah, ha! Here they come now! Ready, Gnasher! Gnasher: Gnash! Dennis: Go! Round them up, Gnasher Walter: Oh, please! This paper chain is too tough for us to break! Dennis: (Laughing) Just like Prince Softie Charming! Whoever this fits must be the Pink Glove. (Dennis puts on the glove on Walter's hand, but falls.) Hmm, all too small! That means none of you is the Pink Glove! Walter: Can we go then, Dennis? Dennis: No! You'll do as bait for my Menace Trap! Yeah! Walter: Wagh, how horrid! Pink Glove: Hark! I hear the distant whimper of softies in dire need of rescue! Tally ho! (goes to the softies' house) Ah ha! Silly Dennis! Thinking that I'd fall to that old trap! Alley-oop! (falls into another hole) Dennis: Ha-ha! I like two traps, Pink Glove! Out You come! Now we'll find out who you really are! Pink Glove: Oh, okay. Dennis: Get that mask off now! Narrator: Well, viewers, who would you think it is? (The Pink Glove takes of their mask, revealing to be Walter's mother) Walter: Mumsie? It's you! Walter's Mother: Yes, little lamb. I did it to Get back at Dennis all the rough horrid treatments he's been giving you all these years. (Gnasher laughs) Dennis: Now that the Pink Glove is unmasked, I can get back to my normal menacing! Yeah! Walter: Ooh-ah. The End.