| - Welcome to the Outtakes Wiki, a database of funny stories and videos. Please add content to help me expand the database.
- When someone forgetting his line apologize and Laughing and Messing up the scene
- It not often you get to see outtakes from Eastenders below are video of some outtakes from over the years.
- This was the first movie to have outtakes:
* Hopper is doing his line of "Are you saying I'm stupid? Do I look stupid to you?", but Atta can't help but burst out laughing, so they try the take again and she's still laughing. The third time, Atta says, "Yes!" with more laughing. Hopper is upset and says: "This is the fifteenth take, I cannot work like this, I will be in my trailer." Atta then says, "I need a break."
* Rosie is doing her line of telling Flik that they are not fighting Grasshoppers, but is interrupted by the sound of someone hammering off-screen, so she tells them to stop. The bell rings and Slim asks if they can see him in the shot.
* Flik grabs a piece of dandelion and shouts out Buzz's catchphrase of "To Infinity and Beyond!". The crew and Flik starts laughing.
- {{tracklist | collapsed = | headline = | total_length = | writing_credits = yes | title1 = Rejection Letter | writer1 = [[Johnny Guitar]] | length1 = 2:04 | title2 = Suicide On Her Mind | writer2 = [[Johnny Guitar ]] | length2 = 3:48 | title3 = Delete | writer3 = [[Johnny Guitar]] | length3 = 1:02 | title4 = Anarchy | writer4 = [[Johnny Guitar]] | length4 = 2:58 | title5 = Blue Tears | writer5 = [[Johnny Guitar ]] | length5 = 1:12 | title6 = Bullet to the brain }}
- Outtakes are special bloopers that appear in Pac-Man World. These outtakes are only available after the player defeats Toc-Man at least once. There are six outtakes in total:
* Junior Abduction - The small robot appears and takes Junior's cap, but after it grabs Junior, it runs off with Junior not fitting in.
* Pac-Entry - Pac-Man attempts to push open the door to Toc-Man's Lair but accidentally knocks over the door.
* Pac Eats Orson - Pac-Man grabs a Power Pellet out of his pocket to eat Orson, but when he eats it, he chokes on it and Orson doesn't turn blue, which results in Pac-Man spitting out the Power Pellet.
* Toc-Man Stomp (referred to as Toc Stomp by the actor) - Toc-Man stomps on the ground saying, "Look, here I am!" Just then, one of the cameras falls on his foot,
| - Welcome to the Outtakes Wiki, a database of funny stories and videos. Please add content to help me expand the database.
- When someone forgetting his line apologize and Laughing and Messing up the scene
- This was the first movie to have outtakes:
* Hopper is doing his line of "Are you saying I'm stupid? Do I look stupid to you?", but Atta can't help but burst out laughing, so they try the take again and she's still laughing. The third time, Atta says, "Yes!" with more laughing. Hopper is upset and says: "This is the fifteenth take, I cannot work like this, I will be in my trailer." Atta then says, "I need a break."
* Rosie is doing her line of telling Flik that they are not fighting Grasshoppers, but is interrupted by the sound of someone hammering off-screen, so she tells them to stop. The bell rings and Slim asks if they can see him in the shot.
* Flik grabs a piece of dandelion and shouts out Buzz's catchphrase of "To Infinity and Beyond!". The crew and Flik starts laughing. Flik apologizes, saying that he couldn't resist. He carefully places the dandelion piece back and says, "Let's go for real," and apologizes again.
* Molt is asking Hopper why they should go back to Ant Island and Hopper jumps up and moves towards him, resulting in Molt accidentally knocking over the camera and apologizing.
* When Flik and Atta get their antennae tangled together, they end up getting tied in a knot. Flik then desperately tries to untie them with Atta screaming in pain.
* Dr. Flora is flirting with another ant on the set, who turns out to be a cardboard cutout when she knocks him down. She apologizes and tells the crew to put him in her car.
* Atta falls off the Council Chamber stand, with everyone laughing.
* Slim does the scene with Hopper after squeezing berry juice on his eye. He then starts yelling that the juice is in his eye and that he's in real pain. Hopper laughs and Slim leaves, demanding that the crew stop the camera.
* Aphie urinates on the Queen's lap. Flik and the crew are then laughing while she asks for a towel.
* Thumper roars at Dot, but suddenly breaks character and voices that he doesn't feel that he is coming across as scary. He then suggests lathering up a bunch of spit and asks John Lasseter for another take.
* P.T. Flea smacks his face against the camera lens while explaining the act. The others were added a few weeks after the film's release:
* Slim tries to warn Francis about the arrival of the flies from the circus, but starts laughing because Francis has something in his nose, which starts the others laughing off-screen too. Francis turns around to reveal a twig in his nose. Everyone else laughs hysterically.
* Mr. Soil is doing his scene with Dr. Flora who accidentally says "Princess Abba" instead of Princess Atta". She laughs with Mr. Soil chuckling while shaking his head in amusement, and Woody appears with an upside-down movie clapboard to end the take.
* The Circus Bugs are landing and Heimlich, who is being held by Dim, gets his face squashed on the camera lens.
* Hopper is doing the scene of threatening Molt, when suddenly Molt apologizes for not saying his line because Hopper looked funny at him, which he asks for another take. The second time, Molt laughs and apologizes again saying that Hopper made him laugh and promises to get it right this time. The third time, he still ends up laughing while Hopper groans with frustration.
* Tuck and Roll are doing their acrobat scene that goes slightly wrong with both of them falling down, which they both laugh. The second time, they do it again with Roll landing on his head and back. The third time, Roll goes up into the air and doesn't come down again while Tuck looks around for him.
* Slim swallows a bug while flying with Francis. He chokes and Francis laughs.
* When Flik and Dot are doing the seed scene, Dot forgets her line.
* Heimlich is about to get eaten by the Bird, when it breaks down, revealing it to be a large animatronic. Heimlich then asks if they can break for lunch.
* Rosie is with Tuck and Roll who have a burping contest. Suddenly, Roll farts and Rosie asks them to stop. She then walks off, asking for her agent Cindy on the phone, while the two pill bugs laugh.
* Heimlich is eating every leaf he can when he suddenly falls out of Dim's grip.
- Outtakes are special bloopers that appear in Pac-Man World. These outtakes are only available after the player defeats Toc-Man at least once. There are six outtakes in total:
* Junior Abduction - The small robot appears and takes Junior's cap, but after it grabs Junior, it runs off with Junior not fitting in.
* Pac-Entry - Pac-Man attempts to push open the door to Toc-Man's Lair but accidentally knocks over the door.
* Pac Eats Orson - Pac-Man grabs a Power Pellet out of his pocket to eat Orson, but when he eats it, he chokes on it and Orson doesn't turn blue, which results in Pac-Man spitting out the Power Pellet.
* Toc-Man Stomp (referred to as Toc Stomp by the actor) - Toc-Man stomps on the ground saying, "Look, here I am!" Just then, one of the cameras falls on his foot, causing him to say angrily, "That thing almost killed me! Medic!" He then walks off the stage limping (even though he is a ghost and protected by a robotic body).
* Professor Abduction - Professor Pac is seen outside looking at a map until the spaceship arrives to suck him in but only his eyes, nose, hat, mailbox and part of his fence get sucked in, leaving him eyeless, noseless and hatless.
* Pac-Landing - Pac-Man rides his boat to the island but accidentally trips and crashes into the camera while trying to get out.
- It not often you get to see outtakes from Eastenders below are video of some outtakes from over the years.
- {{tracklist | collapsed = | headline = | total_length = | writing_credits = yes | title1 = Rejection Letter | writer1 = [[Johnny Guitar]] | length1 = 2:04 | title2 = Suicide On Her Mind | writer2 = [[Johnny Guitar ]] | length2 = 3:48 | title3 = Delete | writer3 = [[Johnny Guitar]] | length3 = 1:02 | title4 = Anarchy | writer4 = [[Johnny Guitar]] | length4 = 2:58 | title5 = Blue Tears | writer5 = [[Johnny Guitar ]] | length5 = 1:12 | title6 = Bullet to the brain | writer6 = [[Johnny Guitar]] | length6 = 1:30 | title7 = Fresh Meat | writer7 = [[Johnny Guitar]] | length7 = 2:37 | title8 = Smokin Valentine | writer8 = [[Johnny Guitar]] | length8 = 2:05 | title9 = Enemy Full Of Energy | writer9 = [[Johnny Guitar]] | length9 = 1:50 | title10 = C-U-N-T | writer10 = [[Johnny Guitar]] | length10 = :19 }}