| - Damien Sullivan Scott was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. His father was an alcoholic and abusive who left the family after a physical confrontation. Growing up in Detroit, Scott was a star athlete and popular with girls. He supplemented his mother's income with money earned bagging groceries. Just a few days after Scott graduated from high school, he enlisted in the United States Army. He decided to become an Army Ranger. After completing basic combat training and then infantry advanced individual training at the U.S. Army Infantry School at Fort Benning in Georgia, Scott went on to the U.S. Army Airborne School. Upon completing airborne training, he went through Ranger indoctrination training and was then assigned to the 1st Ranger Battalion. Scott later attended and passed the U.S. Army Ranger School, earning the Ranger Tab. He eventually rose to the position of a fire team leader. Soon after earning the Expert Infantryman Badge, Scott attended the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta Assessment and Selection Course. Upon its successful completion, he went through the Operator Training Course and then joined Delta Force. Scott initially served in an assault troop, but was later assigned to a reconnaissance troop. With numerous commendations, he left the Army after twelve years of service. Scott then applied to and was accepted into the Global Response Staff of the Central Intelligence Agency. After orientation and training, he joined the GRS as a full-time operator and was given the official cover of a contract security officer for the U.S. Department of State. A couple of years later, an operations officer named Eleanor Grant was picked to serve as the director of a newly-established and highly unconventional anti-terrorist unit within the CIA. Grant, a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, had previously worked with Scott during a joint CIA-Delta Force mission and believed that with his experience in both counterterrorism direct action and security intelligence operations, he would be perfect for the unit. In short order, Scott was offered a position in an elite tactical operations group called Section 20. A black budget branch of the Special Activities Division, Section 20 is a rapid response team that focuses on high-risk, top-priority targets. It functions as a highly sophisticated mobile intelligence unit with the capability to move from country to country anywhere in the world, sometimes covertly, sometimes with the agreement of the local government. Almost all of its work is unofficial and "off the books." That allows its small group of operatives to operate independent of the U.S. national security apparatus and therefore disregard various laws and international treaties. Most of the missions tasked to Section 20 are deniable covert and clandestine operations that would be completely disavowed by the U.S. government if ever made public. They include assassinations, false-flag actions, clandestine insertion and extraction of operatives, and providing secret paramilitary assistance to foreign governments in their counterterrorism efforts. Scott enthusiastically accepted the offer and joined Section 20. In his capacity as a Section 20 operative, he engages in covert direct action and special reconnaissance operations, as well as clandestine intelligence collection assignments that often involve unilateral espionage operations in which he assumes a false identity and goes deep undercover in order to identify targeted terrorists, track them to a specific location and capture or kill them as necessary. Scott remains under official status as a State Department security contractor. In actuality, he is one of Section 20's lead field operatives. A strong and skilled soldier who thrives under pressure, Scott brings strategic clout to Section 20. As a premier counterterrorism operative, he has helped save the United States from devastating terrorist attacks on numerous occasions.