| - Valin Horn was the son of Corran Horn and Mirax Terrik. He was a Jedi trainee at the time of the Stellar Imperial War, and stayed in hiding on Yavin VIII with Tahiri Veila, Sannah, Zekk, Jaina Solo, and his younger sister, Jysella Horn. Valin and Tahiri had always been friends, but they grew closer after Anakin Solo, whom Tahiri had been romantically involved with, was announced to be dead. He comforted her and their friendship grew, and they fought together during the remainder of the war. By the time of the Battle of Angwel, the two of them were a budding couple.
| - Valin Horn was the son of Corran Horn and Mirax Terrik. He was a Jedi trainee at the time of the Stellar Imperial War, and stayed in hiding on Yavin VIII with Tahiri Veila, Sannah, Zekk, Jaina Solo, and his younger sister, Jysella Horn. Valin and Tahiri had always been friends, but they grew closer after Anakin Solo, whom Tahiri had been romantically involved with, was announced to be dead. He comforted her and their friendship grew, and they fought together during the remainder of the war. By the time of the Battle of Angwel, the two of them were a budding couple. When Anakin was found alive and returned to the Jedi, he did not rekindle his relationship with Tahiri, although they remained friends. Valin was Knighted in 31 ABY, at the same time as Tahiri. Valin and Tahiri were married in 32 ABY, much to Corran's dismay, because he thought Valin, then nineteen, was too young. However, the relationship remained stable, and the two of them had a son, Xander Horn, in 33 ABY.