| - That Hamilton Woman, originally titled Lady Hamilton, is a 1941 black-and-white historical film drama which takes place during the Napoleonic wars. Produced and directed by Alexander Korda, it stars Vivien Leigh as Emma, Lady Hamilton and Laurence Olivier as Horatio, Lord Nelson.
* Book Ends
* Foregone Conclusion: Not only is the story well-known in Britain, but also the movie uses a framing device.
* Historical Villain Upgrade: Napoleon Bonaparte, mostly because the film is, on another level, about Britain's then-ongoing war against Adolf Hilter.
* Honor Before Reason: Lord Nelson insists on wearing all his medals in battle, even though this makes him an easy target for enemy snipers.
* Hypocritical Humor: Mostly at the beginning, before the story gets serious.
* Lady of War: Lady Hamilton turns out to be one, against her own wishes.
* Loved I Not Honor More: Both Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson.
* Napoleon Bonaparte: Never seen on screen, but the man behind all the action in the movie.
* Title Drop: Twice.
* Tragedy
* World War II: Not literally, but the subtext of the movie.