| - Cell 114 were ruthless killers. They tended to infiltrate planets, first with an advance guard of sleeper agents, sometimes watching for years, until they knew all they wanted to about the planet's dominant species and were ready to take over. Apparently, agents were modified to resemble the native species, with implants which could take information and transmit it to the main invasion fleet. Active spying was not necessary; the implants constantly took in information from their surroundings. These implants even had built-in weaponry such as spikes and explosives. As well as visually resembling the natives, Cell agents could generate false sensor images as a personal force field less than a nanometre around their body (mainly the arm where the implant was stored) for protection. Their electromagnetic fields could disrupt nearby electrical devices such as light bulbs. Sleeper agents were given false memories and artificial personalities so that they believed themselves to be members of the infiltrated species. Their real memories stored in the implant until activation. The Cell's main resource seemed to be the aforementioned implant located in the right arm (at least when mimicking humans), which contained collected data and transmitted it to the main invasion fleet. They also contained at least one small bomb with which an agent could carry out sabotage or a suicide bombing, or to self-destruct if capture was imminent. The arm could be transformed into a large spike for close combat. In the case of Beth Halloran, a threat to her life in the form of a burglar, caused her alien personality to awaken, take over and swiftly kill the intruders. (TV: Sleeper)