| - Walking is the main form of transportation in ROBLOX. Walking can be done with the WASD or arrow keys. When walking, the character's right foot moves forward, while the left foot moves backwards, and then the opposite happens. The arms also do the same thing.
- Tibia is a tile-based game where you can walk in discrete steps. Every surface tile of the ground modifies your Speed. There are certain Achievements which can be obtained by walking on certain grounds. It is possible there are other undiscovered secret achievements which can be obtained by walking on certain Floor Tiles.
- (article needed)
- Taken from Antdgar's Frame Data
- Walking is a 1968 Canadian animated short directed, writen and produced by Ryan Larkin. The short was one of seven animated shorts that were acquired by the American Broadcasting Company, making the NFB films have been sold to a major American television network.
- Walking is a form of exercise that should be a regular habit. About 30 minutes of brisk walking four to five days a week can do wonders for your mood and physical condition. Walking reduces the risks of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. Moreover, it also enhances mental agility, and a feeling of well-being continues to linger throughout the waking hours. To top all these benefits, walking is free!
- Aside from walking, players can also climb and run. In addition, the player can dismount his/her board in the middle of a combo (Combo Run Out) and keep it going for a limited time before resuming it (usually with a Caveman).
- Walking is the process by which a housemate leaves the Big Brother House voluntarily if he or she no longer wishes to take part in the show.
- In combat, players and monsters can only attack when their target is on a separate square. When a monster's target is on the same square as them, they will move off the square before attempting to attack. Walking works by constantly forcing this movement, which stalls the attack. Unlike monsters, players can attack and move at the same time. By using keybinds to fire an ability the same moment the mouse is clicked for movement, players can fire an ability in a brief moment when they are recognised as being on a different square without giving the monster a chance to attack.
- My name is Brandon. That's all you really need to know about me, right? The dream started very dull. Very boring. I was walking down a sidewalk street, some subdivision I had not recognized. Next to me was a friend. Or rather, what I assumed to be a friend. I did not recognize them in this dream. I could not tell who they were in particular, nor if they were male or female. Anyways, the dream was just a straight forward walk. Me and The Friend walking, and conversing on subject I do not remember. I never have reoccurring dreams, let alone nightmares. But, here's where it got worse.
- Dissatisfied with the low and slow motive process of rolling, which humans had been using since the dawn of time, Edison set about developing a more effective method. Noting that gorillas, spiders and dogs all appeared to walk, the great inventor immediately resolved that man could also. Rolling over to his chalkboard, Edison set down his thoughts in a primitive sort of mind map (which he also invented). A representation of his original chart is on the left. 1.
* One foot must precede the other 2.
* Arms need not swing violently during the ambulatory process.
- Walking is the normal way for Sims to get around. However, in The Sims and The Sims 2, player-controlled Sims cannot normally walk from one lot to another. Instead, they have to get a taxi or use a car. Visitors to residential lots, whether invited or random, will walk when entering or leaving the lot, as will townies and neighborhood Sims who appear when Sims visit community lots. In addition, all NPCs in The Sims, and several in The Sims 2, will walk onto and off of a lot.