| - A Marxist is a person who has not accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, following instead the teaching of Karl Marx, or Marxism.
- Karl Marx + -ism.
- In a capitalist system, private control of these productive enterprises is protected by the rule of law. A capitalist political system protects the exchange and distribution of capital between legal or private persons, which is driven by competition and profit-maximization, and where investments, distribution, income, production and pricing of goods, commodities and services are predominantly determined through the operation of a market economy] in which anyone can participate in supply and demand and form contracts with anyone else, rather than by central economic planning. Human labor power is for sale in the market as one of the many commodities.
- Marxism is a form of socialistic philosophy, economics, and sociology inspired by the ideologies of Karl Marx and Frederich Engels. Marxist thought primarily consists of solving the issues of the class struggle and how the class system affects socioeconomic development. Marxism has long been an opponent to capitalism and Marxist thought has often been applied to criticise and analyse the develpment of the class system in capitalistic society.
- Marxism was a ideology laid out by Karl Marx. (PROSE: History 101) The Ninth Doctor wondered if Nancy's feeding of street children with the food of others was Marxism in action. (TV: The Empty Child)
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| - Marxism can roughly be defined as the application of the materialist method to the study of social phenomena. It regards the material conditions and class conflict as driving forces behind historical social development -- Marxism stresses the causal effects of material conditions and class conflict. It is difficult to establish a precise definition and framing of Marxism can depend on the emphasis preferred by a theoretician on one aspect of the method over another. The complexity of Marx's writings allows for misreadings, misinterpretations, and misplacing emphasis, and enables abuse. Arguably, Marxism as comprehensive world view originated after Marx's death from the efforts of Karl Kautsky, Friedrich Engels, and Georgi Plekhanov. Classical Marxism is based on the writings of Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx. Marxism is not an ideology. It is strictly a method of social analysis. Scientific socialism is a socialist political ideology based around Marxist theory. Placing different emphasis on different aspects of Marxist analysis produces different branches of Marxism. Different schools place a greater emphasis on certain aspects of classical Marxism while de-emphasizing or rejecting other aspects of Marxism, sometimes combining Marxist analysis with non-Marxian concepts. Some variants of Marxism primarily focus on one aspect of Marxism as the determining force in social development – such as the mode of production, class, power-relationships or property ownership – while arguing other aspects are less important or current research makes them irrelevant. Despite sharing similar premises, different schools of Marxism might reach contradictory conclusions from each other. For instance, different Marxian economists have contradictory explanations of economic crisis and different predictions for the outcome of such crises. Furthermore, different variants of Marxism apply Marxist analysis to study different aspects of society (e.g. mass culture, economic crises, or feminism). Marxist understandings of history and of society have been adopted by academics in the disciplines of archaeology and anthropology, media studies, political science, theatre, history, sociology, art history and art theory, cultural studies, education,economics, geography, literary criticism, aesthetics, critical psychology, and philosophy.
- A Marxist is a person who has not accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, following instead the teaching of Karl Marx, or Marxism.
- Karl Marx + -ism.
- In a capitalist system, private control of these productive enterprises is protected by the rule of law. A capitalist political system protects the exchange and distribution of capital between legal or private persons, which is driven by competition and profit-maximization, and where investments, distribution, income, production and pricing of goods, commodities and services are predominantly determined through the operation of a market economy] in which anyone can participate in supply and demand and form contracts with anyone else, rather than by central economic planning. Human labor power is for sale in the market as one of the many commodities.
- Marxism is a form of socialistic philosophy, economics, and sociology inspired by the ideologies of Karl Marx and Frederich Engels. Marxist thought primarily consists of solving the issues of the class struggle and how the class system affects socioeconomic development. Marxism has long been an opponent to capitalism and Marxist thought has often been applied to criticise and analyse the develpment of the class system in capitalistic society.
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