| - Attis guards the entrance into the Unwaking Waters mission location.
- He is the husband of Ceres. The Lord of the Hunt. Cursed and turned into a stag by Malicia, but redeemed by Valanice in KQ VII. Soon after he spotted Rosella coming out of the Were-Woods, he stepped out from behind the Mother Oak, his wife, He explained to her that he had met Valanice, and that she was seeking her in Ooga Booga. They had somehow passed each other while traveling through the woods. When in stag form he is known as Attis the Stag. He and his wife's powers are tied to the forest, and if she or the forest dies, so will Attis.
- Attis (アティス?) is a recurring demon in the series.
- Attis is level 82 Persona of the Hanged Man Arcana You Can Fuse Her When the Hanged Man Arcana Has Been Maxed Out. You can fuse her with Star Helel x Tower Masakado; Justice Uriel x Sun Sparna x Moon Baal Zebul
- Attis - bardzo inteligentna supermutantka, będąca jednym z najważniejszych dowódców Armi Mistrza. Po śmierci Mistrza i zniszczeniu kadzi z FEV utworzyła własną armię supermutantów aby wcielić plan Mistrza w życie. Mając mściwy stosunek do Bractwa Stali, które wysłało w pościg za nią ekspedycję pod przywództwem Rhombusa stała się jego największym wrogiem.
- Attis is a highly intelligent super mutant and was an important commander in the Master's Army. After the destruction of the Master and the vats, he created the "Attis army" from remnants of the Master's army. He then began searching for clues regarding the history of FEV before trying to make the Master's plan a reality. He has a vindictive attitude towards the Brotherhood of Steel and around 2208, he became their greatest enemy. He is the main antagonist and the final boss of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
- Attis, a life-death-rebirth deity, was both the son and the lover of Cybele, her eunuch attendant and driver of her lion-driven chariot; he was driven mad by her and castrated himself. Attis was originally a local semi-deity of Phrygia, associated with the great Phrygian trading city of Pessinos, which lay under the lee of Mount Agdistis. The mountain was personified as a daemon, whom foreigners associated with the Great Mother Cybele. The story of Attis is the subject of one of the most famous poems by the Roman poet Catullus.
- The story of his origins from Agdistis, as told to the traveller Pausanias, have some distinctly non-Greek elements: Pausanias was told that the daemon Agdistis initially bore both male and female attributes. But the Olympian gods, fearing Agdistis, cut off the male organ and cast it away. There grew up from it an almond-tree, and when its fruit was ripe, Nana who was a daughter of the river Sangarios picked the fruit and laid it in her bosom. It disappeared at once, but she was with child. In time a boy was born and exposed on the hillside, but the infant was tended by a he-goat. As Attis grew, his long-haired beauty was godlike, and Agdistis as Cybele, then fell in love with him. But the foster parents of Attis sent him to Pessinos, where he was to wed the king's daughter. According to