| - Grab your swords, bows and arrows, for it's time for some Dungeoneering Updates! First of all, we thank you a lot for your feedback and wonderful insight on the skill, but it's now time to get to the details. First, what we had read, was some of our developers accidentally mispronouncing the names of the bosses themes! We had fixed those immediately! Next, our final behemoth, the Hope Devourer seemed too easy for a last behemoth. He has now gain a few new powers. First, his new power is to electrocute anyone who is wearing metal armour by stomping the floor with a massive electric charge causing not just life point damage, but also causing a new type of damage called "Armour Status", which we may use in the future. If it's out, the armour breaks. If you do not have anything equipped, you w
| - Grab your swords, bows and arrows, for it's time for some Dungeoneering Updates! First of all, we thank you a lot for your feedback and wonderful insight on the skill, but it's now time to get to the details. First, what we had read, was some of our developers accidentally mispronouncing the names of the bosses themes! We had fixed those immediately! Next, our final behemoth, the Hope Devourer seemed too easy for a last behemoth. He has now gain a few new powers. First, his new power is to electrocute anyone who is wearing metal armour by stomping the floor with a massive electric charge causing not just life point damage, but also causing a new type of damage called "Armour Status", which we may use in the future. If it's out, the armour breaks. If you do not have anything equipped, you will take serious amounts of damage. If you are wearing ranged armour, the damage will reduce greatly depending on what tier armour you are wearing. At 120 Dungeoneering, you will never take any damage from the behemoth. Second, he now has the ability to temporarily summon previous behemoths, but smaller, as spawns. They can do some serious damage to you if you are not prepared.