| - Sirin's long-range science vessel, with a crew of 240, was assaulted by aggressive Troll Empire Space forces upon entry of the star-system. Sirin, their best pilot maneuvered the ship into a gas giant's asteroid field rings after giving the enemy the slip and hid the ship in a crater so they could conduct emergency repairs. They were not prepared for such a powerful attack.... their resources were now running thin and power levels dropping fast due to damage. The acting captain made the decision to have the ship land on the inhabited planet, the atmosphere was....adequate and environment safe enough for any crew to survive in with the proper gear....their ship was threatening to rip itself apart just making its way there! Unfortunately they were followed and shot down just before starting safe atmospheric entry. The heavily damaged science vessel started to burn up and buckle in the atmosphere as it descended. Sirin followed her training instaid of procedure and struggled her way to an emergency escape pod after temporarely reactivating the enertial dampeners. The last remaining crew members were either already dead or dieing by the time she escaped, The damaged interstellar drives antimatter detonated shortly after her escape pod took off and the explosion knocked her off course. The Pilot awoke after the escape pods crash landing and exited the pod. Gasping for air, the atmospheres high levels of oxygen wasn't safe for her species to breathe and stinged her mucus membranes (Ex: eyes, lungs, nasal cavern, mouth, etc) painfully with the sensation of burning. Still under an adrenaline type rush she managed to get into an emergency kit in the pod and get the gas-mask that allowed her to breathe before she would have suffocated. Not to long after some locals showed up, including a Xenof outcast that happened to have been marooned on the alien planet two weeks prior to Sirins arrival.