| - Charles Ludlow (about 1790 – 20 October 1839) was an officer in the United States Navy during the War of 1812. He served as a Lieutenant in Vixen and in Constitution in the Mediterranean during 1807. Captain Ludlow was in President immediately prior to the War of 1812. He died at New Windsor, New York.
- Charles Ludlow arrives in Virginia City with his partner Curtis Wade with a vision of bringing the Pony Express there. He is known for the Erie Canal River Boat Service, New Orleans Clipper lines, the Washington and Boston Packet and Mail. He asks the townsfolk to invest in making his dream come true, Ben Cartwright pledges $6,000 and due to this he is requested to become a member of the board of directors due to his experience of the West as well. He peaks the interest of the press with his dream and is treated somewhat like a celebrity by one particular journalist by the name of Tully which Wade doesn't like since he's an equal partner. Due to the increased activity with the Indians, Ludlow ceases operations, but Wade disagrees and advises him that it should be taken up with the board of directors. At the meeting, Ludlow draws up a treaty to take to Winnamucca which means they have to pay him a fee every time they cross his territory. Wade believes if they cease operation then the Government won't give them the subsidy they need to keep the Pony Express going. Wade presents the board with creditors reports on Ludlow on his past ventures and they all went bust. With the board of directors faith in him in tatters, they vote against closure and Ludlow is no longer in control. Ben is the only member to vote for closure, most likely due to Little Joe being a rider and at risk from the Indians, as well as a number of riders dying from health issue rising from the long rides. Ludlow receives another blow, his son has lost confidence in him and tells him he's not never been proud of his father since all his ventures failed. Later in the day Ludlow leaves to parlay with the Indians and hopes that they will agree to his treaty. When Joe is surrounded at Indian Wells Way Station, Ben and Hoss along with Wade and Jebez ride out to rescue him, once they dispatch all the Indians, Ludlow arrives tied to a horse with arrows stuck in him and his treaty pinned to him with bloodstains on it.