| - Carlos Ramirez is a human wizard and Warden of the White Council. He first appears in Death Masks, and properly introduced in Dead Beat.
- Captain Carlos Ramirez was the commanding officer of the Earth Starfleet starship SS Intrepid. He was a friend of Captain Jonathan Archer.
- Carlos Ramirez, a native of Mars, was a Starfury pilot assigned to Delta Wing on Babylon 5. In 2259 he was killed by radiation poisoning due to a run-in with a Streib ship.
- Carlos was a deaf kid, he was a friend of Andy Rierdan and ironically his murderer.
- V roce 2153, když se Enterprise (NX-01) po prvním útoku Xindů vracela k Zemi a napadl ji klingonský křižník, Intrepid byl jednou z lodí, které Enterprise vyletěly vstříc a Klingony odrazily. (ENT: "The Expanse") V alternativní časové linii, v níž Xindi zničili Zemi, byla loď Intrepid jednou ze tří, které strážily kolonii na Ceti Alpha V. V roce 2165 vystřídal na kapitánském postu Ramireze Malcolm Reed. (ENT: "Twilight")
- Kapitein Carlos Ramirez was de commando officier van het Starfleet sterrenschip Intrepid. Hij was een vriend van kapitein Jonathan Archer. In 2153 assisteerde Ramirez de Enterprise, omdat deze in het Sol systeem aangevallen werd door een Klingon roofvogel. (ENT: "The Expanse")