| - Ultimate Marvel is an imprint of comic books published by Marvel Comics, featuring reimagined and updated versions of the company's superhero characters, including Spider-Man, the X-Men, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four. The imprint was launched in 2000 with the publication of the series Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate X-Men giving new origins for the characters. The universe has been designated as Earth-1610 within the Marvel Multiverse, which comprises an infinite number of alternate universes.
- Note an alternate universe special issue of Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe in 2005 designated "Ultimate Marvel Universe" as Earth-1610.
- Ultimate Marvel was a series which produced 1:72 die-cast vehicles, from planes to cars or even tanks. Villian's cars were included and police cars. Real licensed vehicles were used.
- Part re-imagining, part Adaptation Distillation, the Ultimate line was originally an attempt by Marvel Comics to tempt readers into comics without being scared off by the decades of Backstory and Retcons in the official universe.This attempt was launched in November, 2000. This had already been attempted by various other experiments - the Marvel Comics 2 comic line, The New Universe, Heroes Reborn, etc., but none of those met with the success the Ultimate Marvel line did, except for Spider-Girl (the original MC2 title, and via multiple relaunches the only survivor of the line), which became the longest running Spidey spin-off ever.
| - Part re-imagining, part Adaptation Distillation, the Ultimate line was originally an attempt by Marvel Comics to tempt readers into comics without being scared off by the decades of Backstory and Retcons in the official universe.This attempt was launched in November, 2000. This had already been attempted by various other experiments - the Marvel Comics 2 comic line, The New Universe, Heroes Reborn, etc., but none of those met with the success the Ultimate Marvel line did, except for Spider-Girl (the original MC2 title, and via multiple relaunches the only survivor of the line), which became the longest running Spidey spin-off ever. As basically an experiment which does not affect the main universe, changes and revelations are more permanent, and the universe as a whole has plot lines and continuity more neatly intertwined; notably, the connections to the Weapon X project from Ultimate X-Men and the history of the Super Soldier Serum/CaptainAmerica from The Ultimates. As the line has grown and accumulated its own continuity, it's focus has shifted from distilling old stories to making all kinds of sweeping changes, like killing X-Men's sacred cows or replacing Peter Parker as Spider-Man. The Ultimate Marvel universe is part of Marvel's multiverse, specifically Earth-1610, while the main Marvel Earth is Earth-616 (though former EIC Joe Quesada despises the designation). Marvel has insisted doing a crossover between the two would be a lame and tired idea. At one point, it seemed that Ultimate Fantastic Four would have such a crossover, but it turned out to be a trick by denizens of a strange Alternate Universe: the one of the Marvel Zombies in their debut appearance. A true crossover has been announced for 2012, teaming up the mainstream and Ultimate Spider-Men, though with Ultimate Peter Parker dead by that point the circumstances are very different than when the original statement was made. Major series in the Ultimate Marvel Universe are:
* Vol. 1:
* Ultimate Spider-Man
* Ultimate X-Men
* The Ultimates: The only one that's not just a remake of its classic version, it re-imagines The Avengers as a metahuman strike force under SHIELD. Three miniseries.
* Ultimate Fantastic Four
* Vol. 2:
* Ultimate Spider-Man: Peter Parker is revealed to be Not Quite Dead....and then dies for real.
* Ultimate X: With key players dead and mutancy made illegal after Ultimatum, mutants are scattered, leaderless, and trying to survive. Amounted to one miniseries thanks to Schedule Slip.
* New Ultimates (One miniseries)
* Ultimate Avengers: Spinoff of The Ultimates featuring a black-ops team.
* Near the end, the latter two merged into Avengers vs. New Ultimates, as the two teams were manipulated into fighting each other.
* Vol. 3:
* The Ultimates
* Ultimate X-Men: Mutants are regrouping, but the secrets of the mutant gene's origin are going to get out and cause problems.
* Ultimate Spider-Man: With Peter Parker dead, a new character has taken up the mantle. Note that technically, the vol. 2-and-later titles have been renamed from "Ultimate _____" to "Ultimate Comics: _____"; we're just sticking with the original format here for convenience (face it, titles like "Ultimate Comics: New Ultimates" are redundant and kind of a mouthful).
- Ultimate Marvel is an imprint of comic books published by Marvel Comics, featuring reimagined and updated versions of the company's superhero characters, including Spider-Man, the X-Men, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four. The imprint was launched in 2000 with the publication of the series Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate X-Men giving new origins for the characters. The universe has been designated as Earth-1610 within the Marvel Multiverse, which comprises an infinite number of alternate universes.
- Note an alternate universe special issue of Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe in 2005 designated "Ultimate Marvel Universe" as Earth-1610.
- Ultimate Marvel was a series which produced 1:72 die-cast vehicles, from planes to cars or even tanks. Villian's cars were included and police cars. Real licensed vehicles were used.