| - Hydraxian Waterlords, Azshara'nın doğusundaki adaları kendilerine ev edinmiş elementallerdir. Ragnaros'un ordularının ezeli düşmanlarıdırlar. Tarihsel açıdan, dört Elemental Lord'un ölümsüz bir sadakatle hizmet ettiği Eski Tanrılar'ın hizmetkârıdırlar. Neptulon the Tidehunter'ın emrindeki yaraz sayıda ve beyinsizdirler. Henüz Duke Hydraxis'in, efendisinin nü nasıl kırdığı (eğer bunu yaptıysa) veya nihai hedeflerinin neler olduğu bilinmiyor fakat Su elementalleri, kendilerini teslim ede ölümlü ırklara saldırmayan tek elemental türüdür. Located on a remote island in the far east of Azshara, Duke Hydraxis offers some quests. The first two require killing various elementals in Eastern Plaguelands and Silithus. Increased faction with the Waterlords opens up additional quests leading into the Molten Core. Any items obtained from the Hydraxian Waterlords, are obtained from its various quests. Completing the questline allows players to obtain Aqual Quintessence used to douse the runes found near most bosses in Molten Core. This is required to summon Majordomo Executus, the penultimate boss, and, after his defeat, to summon Ragnaros himself. Since there are seven runes, any raid needs at least seven players that bring a Quintessence if they wish to finish the instance. Since most of the questline takes place within Molten Core, any raider can complete this task with little more than some traveling and an Upper Blackrock Spire run. Duke Hydraxis can be found at the coordinates [79, 73] in Azshara.