| - Good Vibrations é uma música dos The Beach Boys que é mostrada no episódio "Through the Looking Glass". Para que os habitantes da ilha possam receber e mandar transmissões eles precisam digitar o código nos aparelhos, localizados na estação O Espelho. O código é o rítimo de Good Vibrations; A música foi composta por Brian Wilson com letras de Wilson e Mike Love.
- "Good Vibrations" is a 1966 pop single by The Beach Boys, featured in "Through the Looking Glass, Part 1". In order for inhabitants on the Island to receive and send transmissions, a code must be entered into the jamming mechanism, located in the Looking Glass station. The code is the melody of "Good Vibrations". The song was composed by Brian Wilson with lyrics by Wilson and Mike Love.
- A young man deals with the attention of a variety of female admirers.
- Terri Hooley (Dormer) is a radical, rebel and music-lover in 1970s Belfast when the bloody conflict known as The Troubles shuts down his city. As all his friends take sides and take up arms, Terri opens a record shop on the most bombed half-mile in Europe and calls it Good Vibrations. Through it he discovers a compelling voice of resistance in the city's nascent underground punk scenes. Galvanising the young musicians into action, he becomes the unlikely leader of a motley band of kids and punks who join him in his mission to create a new community, an alternative Ulster, to bring his city back to life.
- Good Vibrations est une musique des Beach Boys sortie en octobre 1966. La musique a été composée par Brian Wilson et les paroles ont été écrites par Wilson et Mike Love. Sur l'Île, les fréquences radio sont brouillées grâce à un système situé au Miroir, une station sous-marine. Le code qui permet de déverrouiller ce brouilleur d'onde est une succession de notes de Good Vibrations qu'il faut composer sur l'ordinateur de la station. (...et tout finit)
- thumb|right|300px|Copertina (edizione americana) di Good Vibrations dei The Beach Boys. Good Vibrations è una canzone dei Beach Boys composta da Brian Wilson e Mike Love, che viene sentita nell'episodio "Attraverso lo Specchio, prima parte". Per poter mandare e ricevere comunicazioni radio, gli abitanti dell'Isola devono inserire un codice per sbloccare il sistema di interferenze che impedisce le comunicazioni con il mondo esterno. Questo codice era per l'appunto nelle note di Good Vibrations.
- La melodía de la canción es usada como el código para el bloqueo y desbloqueo de las transmisiones de la isla.
- Premio Grammy a la Mejor Interpretación Vocal Grupal
- "Good Vibrations" is a psychedelic pop song by The Beach Boys. Composed and produced by Brian Wilson, the song's lyrics were written by Wilson and Mike Love. Released as a single on October 10, 1966 (backed with the Pet Sounds instrumental "Let's Go Away For Awhile"), it was The Beach Boys' third U.S. number-one hit, reaching the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart in December 1966, as well as being their first British chart-topper. Initiated during the sessions for the Pet Sounds album, it was not taken from or issued as a lead single for an album, but as a stand-alone single, and later placed on the album Smiley Smile eleven months after its release.
- Released as a single on October 10, 1966 (backed with the Pet Sounds instrumental "Let's Go Away For Awhile"), it was the Beach Boys' third US number one hit after "I Get Around" and "Help Me, Rhonda", reaching the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart in December 1966, as well as being their first British chart-topper. Initiated during the sessions for the Pet Sounds album, it was not taken from or issued as a lead single for an album, but as a stand-alone single, although it would be later considered for the aborted Smile project. It would ultimately be placed on the album Smiley Smile eleven months after its release and was part of Wilson's complete recording of Smile in 2004.