Over the centuries the Vigoorian Military observed the world with its many spies. Each advancement in warfare was integrated into the Vigoorian Military, including the legendary Japanese Samurai and Ninja led by Doku. The present day Vigoor Military uses the latest advancements in military technology, seemingly modern to near future. Their black ops operations resembles that of the KGB, using deadly commandos known as SATs (Specialized Assault Teams) and MSATs (Mechanized Specialized Assault Teams), effectively eliminating any targets in the dead of night. The main bulk of the military the Imperial Vigoorian Army, employing the latest in modern weaponry designs such as the 3 man Leopard 2A6 Tanks and AH-64D Apache Helicopters. Infantry soldiers are heavily armored and reinforced with high
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| - Over the centuries the Vigoorian Military observed the world with its many spies. Each advancement in warfare was integrated into the Vigoorian Military, including the legendary Japanese Samurai and Ninja led by Doku. The present day Vigoor Military uses the latest advancements in military technology, seemingly modern to near future. Their black ops operations resembles that of the KGB, using deadly commandos known as SATs (Specialized Assault Teams) and MSATs (Mechanized Specialized Assault Teams), effectively eliminating any targets in the dead of night. The main bulk of the military the Imperial Vigoorian Army, employing the latest in modern weaponry designs such as the 3 man Leopard 2A6 Tanks and AH-64D Apache Helicopters. Infantry soldiers are heavily armored and reinforced with high
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| - Over the centuries the Vigoorian Military observed the world with its many spies. Each advancement in warfare was integrated into the Vigoorian Military, including the legendary Japanese Samurai and Ninja led by Doku. The present day Vigoor Military uses the latest advancements in military technology, seemingly modern to near future. Their black ops operations resembles that of the KGB, using deadly commandos known as SATs (Specialized Assault Teams) and MSATs (Mechanized Specialized Assault Teams), effectively eliminating any targets in the dead of night. The main bulk of the military the Imperial Vigoorian Army, employing the latest in modern weaponry designs such as the 3 man Leopard 2A6 Tanks and AH-64D Apache Helicopters. Infantry soldiers are heavily armored and reinforced with high tech night/thermal vision and a specialized anti biological and chemical breathing apparatus. Their bayonets are great deterrents against Ryu's flying swallow attacks. The Military Supply Base in Tairon is the central hub for the Military's operation, carried out via the central Radio Tower in the heart of the base. This base is closely guarded by many machine gun turrets and robotic helicopter sentries. Operations are headed by former Black Spider Ninja Gamov, and the cybernetic generals Dynamo and Alternator. They also employ old fashioned samurai forces which led by Masakado under Doku 's leadership, though they still count as part of Vigoor's military force, although not modernized.
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