| - ExodiaWicked avatar will always be strongest in that category.There are a number of cards with 5,000 attack and/or defense, and I'm pretty sure that's the highest PRINTED value for both stats. Then there are monsters such as the Chimeratech Fusion Monsters that gain attack/defense based off of how many Fusion Materials you use to summon them(Overdragon is 800 per, Fortress Dragon is 1,000 per), so they can easily hit that value and higher. (A common strategy is to use many materials to create OTK situations with those cards. If you use Overload Fusion late in the game, you could easily get into the 5-digit values of stats...)
| - ExodiaWicked avatar will always be strongest in that category.There are a number of cards with 5,000 attack and/or defense, and I'm pretty sure that's the highest PRINTED value for both stats. Then there are monsters such as the Chimeratech Fusion Monsters that gain attack/defense based off of how many Fusion Materials you use to summon them(Overdragon is 800 per, Fortress Dragon is 1,000 per), so they can easily hit that value and higher. (A common strategy is to use many materials to create OTK situations with those cards. If you use Overload Fusion late in the game, you could easily get into the 5-digit values of stats...) Then there are still many other types of ways to determine stats, as well.Five-Headed Dragon and Dragon Master Knight.obliskFive-Headed Dragon at 5000/5000Five-Headed Dragon, Dragon Master Knight and Malefic Truth Dragon, all with 5000 ATK/DEF Armityle the Chaos Phantom has 0 ATK, but it cannot be destroyed by battle and gain 10000 ATK in your turn, but he is the monster with the hardest summoning conditions in the game.Depends... wicked gods? Obelisk the tormentor?