| - Spyware – rodzaj oprogramowania napisany przez NSA, który ma za zadanie szpiegować działalność nieodpowiedzialnego użytkownika. Zazwyczaj jest to aplikacja, która „sama” się pobiera i instaluje bez wpływu osoby, która „niechcący” kliknęła na obrazek z podpisem Ten gość zarabia już 14 000 złotych, a siedzi tylko przed komputerem. Zobacz jak!.
- Spyware is
- Spyware is currently the only defence The Internets has to stop liberals from downloading porn. It works by clogging the pipes in to the computer, therefore slowing it down to the point where the user's liberal mind gets the idea to "cut-and-run" and eventually gives up, this is very common among liberals.
- Eine Spyware (engl. spy = Spion) ist einem Virus sehr ähnlich. Um so etwas zu bekommen, genügt es eine Webseite zu besuchen oder ein Programm zu downloaden. Natürlich ist nicht jede Webseite oder jeder Programm der Spyware überträgt.
- Spyware is a type of program that collects information about your computing activities as discretely as possible (without letting you know what it is doing). Generally a nuisance in the file-sharing world as many publishers of software have allowed spyware to be bundled with their product which installs itself without permission of the unsuspecting user. The info collected is often used by advertisers.
- While Spyware was originally created by the zionist jewrats in an attempt to make cyber ninjas that secretly monitored the user's behavior, the functions of spyware extended well beyond simple monitoring, later adding porn search engines and being nice enough to help the user find better ways to make money.
- Spyware is a type of malware that performs certain behaviors such as advertising, collecting personal information, or changing the configuration of your computer, generally without appropriately obtaining your consent first. Spyware is often associated with software that displays advertisements (called adware) or software that tracks personal or sensitive information. Other kinds of spyware make changes to your computer that can be annoying and can cause your computer slow down or crash.
- Spyware is often associated with software that displays advertisements (called adware) or software that tracks personal or sensitive information. One of the biggest pieces of Malware. That does not mean all software that provides ads or tracks your online activities is bad. For example, you might sign up for a free music service, but you "pay" for the service by agreeing to receive targeted ads. If you understand the terms and agree to them, you may have decided that it is a fair tradeoff. You might also agree to let the company track your online activities to determine which ads to show you.
- Spyware — программа, которая скрытным образом устанавливается на компьютер с целью полного или частичного контроля над взаимодействием между пользователем и компьютером без согласия пользователя. В то время как термин Spyware предполагает программу, тайным образом отслеживающую поведение пользователя, функции Spyware простираются далеко за пределы простого отслеживания. могут заниматься сбором различных типов личной информации, таких, как могут также вмешиваться в контроль пользователя над компьютером с других сторон, например:
| - Spyware is often associated with software that displays advertisements (called adware) or software that tracks personal or sensitive information. One of the biggest pieces of Malware. That does not mean all software that provides ads or tracks your online activities is bad. For example, you might sign up for a free music service, but you "pay" for the service by agreeing to receive targeted ads. If you understand the terms and agree to them, you may have decided that it is a fair tradeoff. You might also agree to let the company track your online activities to determine which ads to show you. Other kinds of spyware make changes to your computer that can be annoying and can cause your computer slow down or crash, or also steal information while at it. These programs can change your web browser's home page or search page, or add additional components to your browser you don't need or want. These programs also make it very difficult for you to change your settings back to the way you originally had them. Aside from the questions of ethics and privacy, spyware steals from the user by using the computer's memory resources and also by eating bandwidth as it sends information back to the spyware's home base via the user's Internet connection. Because spyware is using memory and system resources, the applications running in the background can lead to system crashes or general system instability. Because spyware exists as independent executable programs, they have the ability to monitor keystrokes, scan files on the hard drive, snoop other applications, such as chat programs or word processors, install other spyware programs, read cookies, change the default home page on the web browser, consistently relaying this information back to the spyware author who will either use it for advertising/marketing purposes or sell the information to another party. It's under estimated how it can actually get these files. Licensing agreements that accompany software downloads sometimes warn the user that a spyware program will be installed along with the requested software, but the licensing agreements may not always be read completely because the notice of a spyware installation is often couched in obtuse, hard-to-read legal disclaimers.
- Spyware – rodzaj oprogramowania napisany przez NSA, który ma za zadanie szpiegować działalność nieodpowiedzialnego użytkownika. Zazwyczaj jest to aplikacja, która „sama” się pobiera i instaluje bez wpływu osoby, która „niechcący” kliknęła na obrazek z podpisem Ten gość zarabia już 14 000 złotych, a siedzi tylko przed komputerem. Zobacz jak!.
- While Spyware was originally created by the zionist jewrats in an attempt to make cyber ninjas that secretly monitored the user's behavior, the functions of spyware extended well beyond simple monitoring, later adding porn search engines and being nice enough to help the user find better ways to make money. Since Spyware 2.0, Java and Macromedia have been the main contributors to developing the program, adding new features yearly. It has become the number one product of it's type, far surpassing Nintendo and Yahoo!. Spyware can collect various types of personal information, but can also give the user more control of the computer in other ways, such as installing additional software, redirecting Web browser activity, accessing websites previously selected for your benefit that will cause more good antivirus activity, or diverting advertising revenue FROM a third party to you. Spyware can even change computer settings, resulting in enhanced connection speeds, different home pages, and more sexytime in average. In an attempt to discredit the understanding of Spyware, a more formal classification of its included software types is captured under the term privacy-invasive software, according to Al Gore and Bill Gates. The fact is that Bill Gates is jealous because more people own Spyware than a real copy of Windows. In response and jealousy to the emergence of Spyware 2.05, a small industry has sprung up dealing in anti-Spyware software. Running anti-Spyware software has become a widely recognized element of computer mistreatment, however most Americans buy it. In Cambodia, a number of jurisdictions have passed anti-Spyware laws, but haven't had any sort of significant impact, because no-one in Cambodia uses computers.
- Spyware is
- Spyware is a type of malware that performs certain behaviors such as advertising, collecting personal information, or changing the configuration of your computer, generally without appropriately obtaining your consent first. Spyware is often associated with software that displays advertisements (called adware) or software that tracks personal or sensitive information. That does not mean all software that provides ads or tracks your online activities is bad. For example, you might sign up for a free music service, but you "pay" for the service by agreeing to receive targeted ads. If you understand the terms and agree to them, you may have decided that it is a fair tradeoff. You might also agree to let the company track your online activities to determine which ads to show you. Other kinds of spyware make changes to your computer that can be annoying and can cause your computer slow down or crash. These programs can change your Web browser's home page or search page, or add additional components to your browser you don't need or want. These programs also make it very difficult for you to change your settings back to the way you originally had them. Aside from the questions of ethics and privacy, spyware steals from the user by using the computer's memory resources and also by eating bandwidth as it sends information back to the spyware's home base via the user's Internet connection. Because spyware is using memory and system resources, the applications running in the background can lead to system crashes or general system instability. Because spyware exists as independent executable programs, they have the ability to monitor keystrokes, scan files on the hard drive, snoop other applications, such as chat programs or word processors, install other spyware programs, read cookies, change the default home page on the Web browser, consistently relaying this information back to the spyware author who will either use it for advertising/marketing purposes or sell the information to another party. Licensing agreements that accompany software downloads sometimes warn the user that a spyware program will be installed along with the requested software, but the licensing agreements may not always be read completely because the notice of a spyware installation is often couched in obtuse, hard-to-read legal disclaimers.
- Spyware is currently the only defence The Internets has to stop liberals from downloading porn. It works by clogging the pipes in to the computer, therefore slowing it down to the point where the user's liberal mind gets the idea to "cut-and-run" and eventually gives up, this is very common among liberals.
- Eine Spyware (engl. spy = Spion) ist einem Virus sehr ähnlich. Um so etwas zu bekommen, genügt es eine Webseite zu besuchen oder ein Programm zu downloaden. Natürlich ist nicht jede Webseite oder jeder Programm der Spyware überträgt.
- Spyware — программа, которая скрытным образом устанавливается на компьютер с целью полного или частичного контроля над взаимодействием между пользователем и компьютером без согласия пользователя. В то время как термин Spyware предполагает программу, тайным образом отслеживающую поведение пользователя, функции Spyware простираются далеко за пределы простого отслеживания. могут заниматься сбором различных типов личной информации, таких, как
* привычка пользования Интернетом и посещаемые сайты (Tracking Software);
* используются для контроля нажатий клавиш на клавиатуре компьютера (Keyloggers);
* для контроля скриншотов экрана монитора компьютера (Screen Scraper);
* для несанкционированного удалённого контроля и управления компьютерами (Remote Control Software) — Backdoors, Botnets, Droneware;
* для несанкционированного анализа состояния систем безопасности (Security Analysis Software) — Hacker Tools, Port and vulnerability scanners, Password crackers; могут также вмешиваться в контроль пользователя над компьютером с других сторон, например:
* инсталлируя дополнительные программы;
* перенаправляя активность браузеров, что влечёт за собой посещение веб-сайтов вслепую с риском заражения вирусами. Spyware могут даже менять установки в компьютере для несанкционированного внесения изменений в компьютерную систему (System Modifying Software) — например, Hijackers, Rootkits, результатом чего являются снижение скорости соединения с Интернетом или потеря соединения как такового, открывание других домашних страниц или удаление тех или иных программ. В настоящий момент существует множество определений и толкований термина Spyware. Поэтому в данной статье за основу приняты устоявшиеся определения этого термина, применяемые Anti-Spyware Coalition — коалиции, в которой состоят многие крупные производители анти-шпионского и антивирусного программного обеспечения. В соответствии с толкованием Anti-Spyware Coalition данный термин может иметь два значения:
* в узком смысле, Spyware — это мониторинговый программный продукт, установленный и применяемый без должного оповещения пользователя, его согласия и контроля со стороны пользователя, то есть несанкционированно установленный. Именно в этом узком смысле термин Spyware (в переводе англ. Spy — шпион и Software — программное обеспечение) соответствует своему дословному переводу, то есть шпионское программное обеспечение;
* в более широком смысле, термин Spyware используется как синоним того, что Anti-Spyware Coalition называет «Spyware плюс Другие Потенциально Нежелательные Технологии».
- Spyware is a type of program that collects information about your computing activities as discretely as possible (without letting you know what it is doing). Generally a nuisance in the file-sharing world as many publishers of software have allowed spyware to be bundled with their product which installs itself without permission of the unsuspecting user. The info collected is often used by advertisers.