| - (Zär•åkh´) The Galach translation of this Enochiian word means, “to rise”, “to come forth”, “to break out”, “to arise or rise up”, and “to shine”. The ceremony of Zarach is celebrated in conjunction with the festival of Amadthoth. It is the pinnacle of achievement for a helek who has dedicated a lifetime to mentoring, study, service, and the mastery of the Universe. Only Yadal’helekiim who have passed within the Universal duality and returned with a new perspective that the Adeptii accept are granted the rank of Biyn’adon.
- Aonir spoke: Ulm, you shall be the keeper of diversity and change. Because nothing shall last forever and change will determine the countenance of this world. Your power may give colors to the flowers and diversity to the creatures. But Ulm was wrathful, because no one loved or worshiped him, he remained the uncalled god - omnipresent but unnoticed. His wrath grew so big that he began to change! The wonderful multi-colored tree in which he was living turned into a distorted, black claw of branches hard as iron.
| - (Zär•åkh´) The Galach translation of this Enochiian word means, “to rise”, “to come forth”, “to break out”, “to arise or rise up”, and “to shine”. The ceremony of Zarach is celebrated in conjunction with the festival of Amadthoth. It is the pinnacle of achievement for a helek who has dedicated a lifetime to mentoring, study, service, and the mastery of the Universe. Only Yadal’helekiim who have passed within the Universal duality and returned with a new perspective that the Adeptii accept are granted the rank of Biyn’adon.
- Aonir spoke: Ulm, you shall be the keeper of diversity and change. Because nothing shall last forever and change will determine the countenance of this world. Your power may give colors to the flowers and diversity to the creatures. But Ulm was wrathful, because no one loved or worshiped him, he remained the uncalled god - omnipresent but unnoticed. His wrath grew so big that he began to change! The wonderful multi-colored tree in which he was living turned into a distorted, black claw of branches hard as iron. He decided that the world should change according to his complacence. That it was his task to sweep away the old and to create the complaisant new. Since no one wanted to worship him, he kidnapped the guises of the nations to the dark jungle of Xu and tortured and contorted them until they corresponded to his ideas. So he created the orcs and trolls. Finally he formed the darkelves, as a gift for his Armor brother Nor. His last creation was the Fial Darg, a small nation of mighty creatures, who were to stay behind as governors of the apostates once these were dispelled by the guardians of Eo. The Orcs call Zarach, because that is how Ulm calls himself, the drinker of the worldblood, ironroot, claw or the dark storm. His symbols are a five-membered claw, a black root, a root-like tree without leaves, but also ion and blood.