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- Mega Man Anniversary Collection
| - Mega Man Anniversary Collection is a collection of ten classic Mega Man games, including the eight from the "classic" series as well as two extras that have to be unlocked. The game was released on the Nintendo GameCube, as well as two other consoles. Initially the game was going to be released for the Game Boy Advance, though was canned for an unknown reason. The original six games that were initially released on the Nintendo Entertainment System all have improved graphics, and all of the glitches have been removed.
- Mega Man Anniversary Collection is a collection of the original games in the Mega Man franchise of action platformer games. Released in 2004 for the Nintendo GameCube and PlayStation 2, it contains the first eight original games, Mega Man: The Power Battle and Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, as well as unlockable artwork and remixed music.
- thumb Mega Man Anniversary Collection es una colección exclusiva para Norteamérica de diez juegos de la serie clásica de Mega Man. Incluye los primeros ocho juegos principales de la serie de Mega Man, y también los dos juegos de arcade. Otros desbloqueables incluyen artworks originales y música remezclada. La antología es bastante completa, aunque varios juegos de historias secundarias como Mega Man & Bass y Mega Man's Soccer no están incluidos.
- The Mega Man Anniversary Collection is a collection of the first eight classic Mega Man series games as well as the two arcade games. The game was released for the PlayStation 2 and GameCube in 2004 and was later released for the Xbox in 2005. A Game Boy Advance version was planned to be released, but was put into indefinite hiatus.
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| - Mega Man Anniversary Collection
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- --06-23
- PlayStation 2/GameCube:
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| - Mega Man Anniversary Collection is a collection of ten classic Mega Man games, including the eight from the "classic" series as well as two extras that have to be unlocked. The game was released on the Nintendo GameCube, as well as two other consoles. Initially the game was going to be released for the Game Boy Advance, though was canned for an unknown reason. The original six games that were initially released on the Nintendo Entertainment System all have improved graphics, and all of the glitches have been removed.
- thumb Mega Man Anniversary Collection es una colección exclusiva para Norteamérica de diez juegos de la serie clásica de Mega Man. Incluye los primeros ocho juegos principales de la serie de Mega Man, y también los dos juegos de arcade. Otros desbloqueables incluyen artworks originales y música remezclada. La antología es bastante completa, aunque varios juegos de historias secundarias como Mega Man & Bass y Mega Man's Soccer no están incluidos. El juego fue lanzado para GameCube y PlayStation 2 el 22 de junio de 2004 y fue lanzado después para la Xbox el 15 de marzo 2005. Una versión para Game Boy Advance estaba prevista para ser lanzada, pero fue puesta en pausa indefinida. Los juegos son exactamente iguales a los originales, salvo que los primeros seis juegos de Mega Man se basaron en sus versiones de PlayStation (Rockman Complete Works). Una gran cantidad de extras fueron removidos de sus contrapartes japonesas originales, pero el modo de juego clásico de la NES sigue presente. También contiene la versión de PlayStation de Mega Man 8 en lugar de la edición remasterizada de Sega Saturn.
- Mega Man Anniversary Collection is a collection of the original games in the Mega Man franchise of action platformer games. Released in 2004 for the Nintendo GameCube and PlayStation 2, it contains the first eight original games, Mega Man: The Power Battle and Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, as well as unlockable artwork and remixed music.
- The Mega Man Anniversary Collection is a collection of the first eight classic Mega Man series games as well as the two arcade games. The game was released for the PlayStation 2 and GameCube in 2004 and was later released for the Xbox in 2005. A Game Boy Advance version was planned to be released, but was put into indefinite hiatus. The games are exactly like the originals, except that the first six Mega Man games were based on their PlayStation Rockman Complete Works versions (not Mega Man: The Wily Wars). A lot of features were removed from their original Japanese counterparts, but the basic NES and Navi modes are still there. It also contains the PlayStation version of Mega Man 8 rather than the remastered Sega Saturn edition (the main difference being the absences of Cut Man and Wood Man as extra bosses).
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