| - Effect: A Force user with his power can temporarily imbue a non-powered melee weapon with the Force. This power can only be used on the Force user's personal weapon, and only while he uses the weapon himself. The power lasts for five rounds, after which time it must be activated again. The amount by which the alter skill roll exceeds the difficulty determines how much extra damage the weapon inflicts on a successful hit. Note that this damage will allow a weapon to exceed its listed maximum damage (if any): Alter Difficulty: Moderate
- Force weapons, by comparison to regular weapons, utilise focused energy fields to increase the deadliness of the weapon. The weapon uses a generator, either in its hilt or an external backpack, to sheathe its striking surfaces in a disruptive energy field allowing it to cut through most known forms of matter. Such a weapon can carve through armor and stone with as much resistance as empty air; typically only other energy fields can safely counter the effects of a force weapon.
- Force Weapons take the form of swords, spears, warhammers, axes or other close combat melee weapons. Within the structure of the weapon is interwoven a powerful device called a Psi-Convector, formed into a precise serpentine shape which concentrates and directs psychic energy. This device sometimes appears as a decorative pattern on the blade. Force Weapons are hand-crafted to the user's specifications, quite often by the user himself, and the psyker's first challenge once the weapon is complete is to attune it to himself, to learn to channel his power through it without risk to himself or his allies and surroundings. Mastering a Force Weapon is a difficult task for even the Space Marine Librarians, but the ultimate reward is well-worth the risk, for a psyker channelling his power through
- Force Weapon was a Force ability that allowed the user to imbue an unpowered weapon with the Force for a period of time. By channeling energy into the weapon, it allowed the wielder to strike and do more damage than the weapon's simple appearance would suggest. As a useful side effect, a Force-imbued weapon could be used to block lightsabers without damaging the weapon. The Force-sensitive natives of Felucia were also known to employ such an ability, infusing their jawbone swords with the Force to increase their cutting power and allow them to block lightsabers.
| - Force Weapons take the form of swords, spears, warhammers, axes or other close combat melee weapons. Within the structure of the weapon is interwoven a powerful device called a Psi-Convector, formed into a precise serpentine shape which concentrates and directs psychic energy. This device sometimes appears as a decorative pattern on the blade. Force Weapons are hand-crafted to the user's specifications, quite often by the user himself, and the psyker's first challenge once the weapon is complete is to attune it to himself, to learn to channel his power through it without risk to himself or his allies and surroundings. Mastering a Force Weapon is a difficult task for even the Space Marine Librarians, but the ultimate reward is well-worth the risk, for a psyker channelling his power through his Force Weapon can strike the most powerful of foes down in one fell stroke. Once mastered, each Force Weapon is intimately attuned to its wielder's mind, and another psyker trying to wield it will find it a daunting, if not impossible task. Force Weapons are treasured possessions to their wielders, and will quite often accompany them in death, being buried or cremated alongside their owner. A Force Weapon can be wielded without risks by a non-psyker, but in his hands, it will have none of the mighty abilities it displays in the hands of a psyker. Unlike Power Weapons, the power of a Force Weapon comes from the psyker's mind, and not some contraption sacred to the servants of the Machine God embedded in the weapon's hilt. Exceptional psykers can lend their weapon to a non-psyker and still channel their power through it, for such is their intimacy with their weapon that physical contact is no longer necessary to employ its powers. A notable example of a unique Force Weapon is Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn's Runestaff, a steel staff topped with a thirteen-pointed sunburst made out of electrum. In the center of the sunburst is a skull made out of psy-reactive crystal etched with the thirteen Runes of Castigation. Other well-known Force Weapons are the Force Warhammers or Daemonhammers, the signature weapon of the Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus, which provided that branch of the Inquisition with its name. Force Weapons are one of the few weapons that can seriously damage daemons and Daemonhosts and are often used by the members of the Ordo Malleus for that reason. Force Weapons are also often used by the Eldar Warlocks and Farseers, who use their Witchblades and Singing Spears to devastating effects on the battlefield. Eldar Force Weapons are grown from the psycho-reactive substance known as Wraithbone, and are often of superior craftmanship and efficiency than their Imperial counterparts, but the basic principle of the psyker channeling his power through his weapon remains the same for these xenos constructs.
- Effect: A Force user with his power can temporarily imbue a non-powered melee weapon with the Force. This power can only be used on the Force user's personal weapon, and only while he uses the weapon himself. The power lasts for five rounds, after which time it must be activated again. The amount by which the alter skill roll exceeds the difficulty determines how much extra damage the weapon inflicts on a successful hit. Note that this damage will allow a weapon to exceed its listed maximum damage (if any): Alter Difficulty: Moderate
- Force Weapon was a Force ability that allowed the user to imbue an unpowered weapon with the Force for a period of time. By channeling energy into the weapon, it allowed the wielder to strike and do more damage than the weapon's simple appearance would suggest. As a useful side effect, a Force-imbued weapon could be used to block lightsabers without damaging the weapon. The ancient Jedi of Tython were perhaps the first to develop the ability, with their Jedi Forge ceremony. Most of the users of this power were those outside the Jedi Order, many from cultures and Force traditions that were considered quite primitive, such as the Zeison Sha, who used this power to augment their discblades, though there were some exceptions. Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas used this power in his duel against Exar Kun, using his humble walking stick to counter Kun's lightsaber skills. The Force-sensitive natives of Felucia were also known to employ such an ability, infusing their jawbone swords with the Force to increase their cutting power and allow them to block lightsabers. Darth Vader and Starkiller were able to imbue and charge their lightsabers with the Force. In Starkiller's case, the lightsaber emitted Force lightning or Force Push, granting him attack capabilities that opponents were rarely able to predict, much less counter.
- Force weapons, by comparison to regular weapons, utilise focused energy fields to increase the deadliness of the weapon. The weapon uses a generator, either in its hilt or an external backpack, to sheathe its striking surfaces in a disruptive energy field allowing it to cut through most known forms of matter. Such a weapon can carve through armor and stone with as much resistance as empty air; typically only other energy fields can safely counter the effects of a force weapon. Force weapon technology is limited and all examples are crafted individually by skilled artisans; commonly in the form of a sword, axe, or hammer, but sometimes in a more exotic form such as a whip. Even without the power field active the weapon will be of highest quality and potent in the hands of a skilled fighter.