| - Sho
- All Aluvian characters are initially created with the dagger as a trained skill.
- Aluvians
- Gharu'ndim
- All Gharu'ndim characters are initially created with the ability to appraise items as a trained skill.
- There are three heritage groups in Asheron's Call. Each group has its own history and culture, and its own distinguishing physical characteristics.
- The Gharu'ndim are desert dwelling traders. Their culture is very formal, and they are distant, honorable, and proud. They are led by a queen, the Malika Qadira bint Balj, and revere the poet Yasif ibn Salayyar as their national hero. Although they are known as ferocious warriors, they prefer to talk before fighting whenever possible, believing that sharpness of mind is more valuable than sharpness of sword.
- Fiercely individualistic, the Aluvians are known as warlike and quick to anger, but they also have a strong sense of fairness and a fierce loyalty to their tribe. They believe that justice stands above even the law, if necessary. The Code of Pwyll, by which they live, instructs them to protect those weaker than themselves and to treat others as they would wish to be treated.
- Although the Sho are peaceful and philosophical by nature, they have raised fighting and warfare to an art form. They believe in humility, discipline, detachment, and compassion as taught by the prophet Joji.
All Sho characters are initially created with unarmed combat as a trained skill.