Heavy the Robot is a character that appears in Knuckles' Chaotix. He is a robot mechanic created by Dr. Robotnik who, together with his co-worker Bomb, form Robotnik's Mechanix. However, he apparently abandoned his master to work with the Chaotix.
Heavy the Robot is a character that appears in Knuckles' Chaotix. He is a robot mechanic created by Dr. Robotnik who, together with his co-worker Bomb, form Robotnik's Mechanix. However, he apparently abandoned his master to work with the Chaotix.
Heavy the Robot – badnik skonstruowany przez Doktora Eggmana, który razem z Bombem stanowi zespół Robotnik's Mechanix. Heavy porzucił pracę u doktora na rzecz dołączenia do Chaotix.
Heavy the Robot is a character that appears in Knuckles' Chaotix. He is a robot mechanic created by Dr. Robotnik who, together with his co-worker Bomb, form Robotnik's Mechanix. However, he apparently abandoned his master to work with the Chaotix.
Heavy the Robot – badnik skonstruowany przez Doktora Eggmana, który razem z Bombem stanowi zespół Robotnik's Mechanix. Heavy porzucił pracę u doktora na rzecz dołączenia do Chaotix.