| - Kylo Ren je syn Hana Sola a Leiy Organy, který žil v době zhruba třicet let po bitvě o Endor. Kylo Ren je novým velitelem Prvního řádu, organizace zrozené z pozůstatků Galaktického impéria, a vůdcem Rytířů Renu.
- The first time you are hit by an attack each round, assign the "I'll Show You the Dark Side" to the attacker.
- Ben Solo, later known as Kylo Ren, or Ren, is one of the main antagonists of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. He serves as the secondary antagonist of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and will return as a major antagonist in Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. He is an assasin working for The First Order, obsessed with his grandfather Darth Vader's actions, thus trying to accomplish his task. Working for Hux and Supreme Leader Snoke, he is somewhat tragic of his actions, offering Rey survival from the First Order, and secretly protecting her from his mentors.
- Kylo Ren, born Ben Solo, also known as Darth Tantrum, Darth Emo II, Darth Vader Jr., or BEN!, and often mistaken for Darth Revan, was a human male Sith Lord wannabe who lived approximately thirty years after the Battle of Endor and is the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa. He wore a black hood, cloak and a dark mask, because he wanted to be like his GRAND DAD and Revan. He wielded a lightsaber of a special design which projected a main red blade, with a red cross guard projected out of its sides. He is well known to destroy expensive pieces of equipment when he's angry.
- Kylo Ren bol muž, ktorý žil v období približne 30 rokov po bitke o Endor. Je synom princeznej Lei a Hana Sola. Pridal sa k temnej strane sily.
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- Kylo RenBen Solo, znany również jako Kylo Ren - były Jedi i Wielki Mistrz Zakonu Ren. Syn Hana Solo i Lei Organy, bliźniak Jainy Solo.
- Fictionally, Kylo is the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa, born Ben Solo. Born force-sensitive, he is trained by his uncle and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker until he is seduced to the Dark Side by Supreme Leader Snoke, joining the First Order and destroying Luke's new generation of Jedi. Kylo hunts down the BB-8 droid containing a piece of a map to Luke so that he can kill his uncle and finish off the last of the Jedi. Kylo's struggle of fear he won't be stronger than his grandfather Anakin leaves him conflicted. When Finn, Han and Chewbacca participate in rescuing Rey from the Starkiller Base, Kylo is outmatched in the force by her and later murders his father in order to eliminate the Light Side of his confliction.
- The Kylo Ren has come out in the following 1/64 scale versions:
- [Source] Kylo Ren était un humain sensible à la Force et entraîné par Luke Skywalker jusqu'à ce qu'il détruise l'Ordre Jedi que son oncle tentait de rebâtir. Il naquit nous le nom de Ben Solo sur la planète Chandrila au cours de l'année qui suivit la bataille d'Endor. Il était le fils du contrebandier Han Solo et de la princesse Leia Organa. Près de trente ans plus tard, Kylo Ren tua son père sur la base Starkiller.
- __INDEX__ Kylo Ren (geboren Ben Solo) ist ein fiktionaler Charakter der Star Wars Reihe. Er trat zum ersten Mal im 2015 erschienenen Film Star Wars: Das Erwachen der Macht auf, in dem es als Sohn von Han Solo und Leia Organa als machtintensiver dunkler Krieger den Knights of Ren angehört. Im Film ist er ein führendes Mitglied des First Order.
- Kylo Ren was an Inquisitor in the Galactic Empire who declared himself Emperor in 11 ABY after the final death of Palpatine.
- Kylo Ren es un episodio de la 2da Temporada de Star Wars: Las guerras Jedi.
- Kylo Ren, born Ben Solo, is a character introduced in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. He is the apprentice of Supreme Leader Snoke, the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa, and a member of the Knights of Ren.
- Kylo Ren, urodzony jako Ben Solo drugorzędny antagonista w trzeciej trylogii Gwiezdnych Wojen. <default>Kylo Ren</default> Personalia Pełne imię Przydomek Dom Nazwisko w oryginalnej wersji Rodzaj Gatunek Model Płeć Zajęcie Strona Bronie Cele Los Status Powód śmierci Rodzina Ojciec Matka Rodzeństwo Miłość Dzieci Dziadek Babcia Wnukowie Inni Występowanie Aktor Dubbing angielski Dubbing polski Inne wersje językowe dubbingu Filmy Seriale Gry wideo Książki Komiksy center|200px
- Kylo Ren, cuya verdadera identidad es la de Ben Solo, es el principal villano de Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.
- Kylo Ren, geboren Ben, ist der Hauptantagonist in den neuen Star Wars-Filmen, die ab 2015 in die Kinos kamen bzw. kommen werden. Er ist ein Machtbenutzer, Mitglied der Ritter von Ren und Mitglied der Ersten Ordnung. Er ist der Sohn der Rebellen-Helden Leia Organa und Han Solo und wurde von seinem Onkel Luke Skywalker auf der neuen Jedi-Akademie zum Jedi ausgebildet. Er wechselte jedoch zur dunklen Seite der Macht, da er von seinem Großvater Darth Vader besessen war. Er wurde von dem mysteriösen Machtbenutzer Snoke zur Ersten Ordnung geholt, da er sich als Jedi zu schwach fühlte, so dass er alle anderen Auszubildende tötete. Skywalker verschwand.
- Kylo Ren, oder Ben Solo, ist ein Sith, der in Star Wars: Das Erwachen der Macht für die erste Ordnung kämpfte. Eigentlich ist er der Sohn von Leia Organa und Han Solo. Also sollte er als machtintensives Kind von Luke Skywalker zum Jedi ausgebildet werden, Kylo aber wechselte zur dunklen Seite. Auf der Starkiller- Basis ermordete er seinen Vater Han Solo. Danach duellierte sich Rey mit ihm, wobei er sich schwere Verletzungen zuzog. Er konnte aber trotz Explosion der Basis gerettet werden.
- Kylo Ren, nacido con el nombre Ben, fue un humano sensible a la Fuerza que era miembro de los Caballeros de Ren y un aliado de la Primera Orden que vivió, aproximadamente, treinta años después de la Batalla de Endor. Tratando de encontrar y destruir a su tío materno antes de que pudiera reconstruir la Orden, durante el proceso logra capturar al piloto de la Resistencia, Poe Dameron quien escondió un mapa de como localizar a Caballero Jedi en su droide BB-8, quien acaba en Jakku en donde logra hacer amistad con la chatarrera Rey y el soldado desertor de la Primera Orden, Finn.
- Il figlio di Leila Organa e di Han Solo, Ben, fu mandato a studiare insieme ad altri studenti in giovane età, dallo zio, il Maestro Jedi Luke Skywalker. Mentre Ben dimostrò una grande affinità con la Forza, ma incominciò a sviluppare una malsana ossessione per il nonno, ovvero Anakin Skywalker, studiando le sue imprese, quando era il Signore dei Sith Darth Vader. Sentendo che doveva difendere l'eredita di Vader, Ben tradì e uccise i suoi compagni Jedi, impedendo così a Skywalker di far rinascere i Jedi. Dopo essere stato corrotto dal Lato Oscuro ed aver ucciso i suoi coetanei, Ben andò alla ricerca di ciò che restava dell'Impero Galattico, che era stato riformato nel Primo Ordine sotto la guida del misterioso Snoke. Intuendo il potenziale di Ben, Snoke lo prese come apprendista e gli inseg
- Kylo Ren, nascut cu numele dat Ben, a fost o Forța-sensibil uman Bărbat, care a fost un membru a Cavalerii Ren, un aliat al Primul Ordin, aproximativ treizeci de ani de la bătălia de la Endor. Născut la Rebel eroi Leia Organa și Han Solo, Ben a fost luată de către unchiul său Luke Skywalker pentru a deveni lui Jedi ucenic în Skywalker noul Jedi Academy. Cu toate acestea, Ben a fost atras de partea întunecată, ca urmare a obsesia lui cu moștenirea bunicului său, Darth Vader. Crezând el a fost prea slab pentru a trăi până la bunicul lui ca Jedi, Ben a fost ademenit de partea întunecată de un misterios Force-utilizator numit Snoke. Luându-și numele Kylo Ren, Ben a părăsit unchiului său nou Ordine spatele și a ucis toate colegii săi ucenici. Skywalker a dispărut și Kylo a devenit unul dintre c
- Kylo Ren is a young but powerful Force User who first appeared in the newest Star Wars film: "Star Wars: The Force Awakens". Feeling let-down by his father, Han Solo, he was seduced to the Dark Side from the evil Supreme Leader Snoke. He is currently the Commander of (and an important facet of leading) the First Order- a political and military organization which was established approximately thirty years after the Battle of Endor. In addition to commanding the Troops of the First Order, Kylo Ren is also a member of the Knights of Ren: a small organization of relatively powerful group of Force-Users of the Dark Side. As a result, he took the title "Ren" as a surname. Although he is a relatively new character in the Disney Star Wars Universe, he shows a lot of promise, as he aspires to becom