| - Unfortunately, not all manufacturers of Sealed Evil in a Can use foolproof caps. Sometimes Sealed Evil in a Can doesn't escape by itself, nor is it released by the Unwitting Pawn, but is deliberately set free by the villain. He expects either to control the sealed evil, or else to bargain with it. This goes triple for anyone attempting to activate a hero's Super-Powered Evil Side. Unless you are The Emperor and would already be stronger than them, just remember: once they're evil, they no longer have any qualms about killing you. Examples of Evil Is Not a Toy include:
| - Unfortunately, not all manufacturers of Sealed Evil in a Can use foolproof caps. Sometimes Sealed Evil in a Can doesn't escape by itself, nor is it released by the Unwitting Pawn, but is deliberately set free by the villain. He expects either to control the sealed evil, or else to bargain with it. The Sealed Evil in a Can will turn on its releaser -- if it even has any concept of loyalty at all. The releaser may end up being killed on the spot, or he may be enslaved by the sealed evil. The sealed evil may make a bargain that it has no intention of following through upon (or it may promise the releaser he will be rewarded "as he deserves"... guess what he deserves?) or it may simply betray him or refuse to obey him. In any case, if he was the Big Bad before, he was really just a Disc One Final Boss; it's the sealed evil that's the true Big Bad. In the event that the releaser survives, this is a leading cause of Enemy Mine twists. In some cases, the sealed evil was even manipulating the villain into freeing it, and you certainly don't get rewarded just for doing what you're expected to do, especially after You Have Outlived Your Usefulness. Other times, the evil being may ask the villain what exactly they expected when releasing an evil being. This goes triple for anyone attempting to activate a hero's Super-Powered Evil Side. Unless you are The Emperor and would already be stronger than them, just remember: once they're evil, they no longer have any qualms about killing you. If you're a villain, take note: Sealed evil should not be released unless you expect it to betray you. Also, it should be kept away from children under 3 as it has small parts and they may choke on it. All too often the character will die horribly within seconds of uttering "Now its power is MINE!" See also This Is Your Brain on Evil. If the villain created the evil in the first place, it's a case of Turned Against Their Masters. When it's literally an evil toy, may coincide with My Little Panzer. If the Evil in question is the Bigger Bad, expect the lesson to be particularly painful. Examples of Evil Is Not a Toy include: