File:Rgb.png This is were ill write out the real manga and i found photos on[All the credit goes to that person!]:) * VS. Mew * VS. Machoke * VS. Kangaskahn * VS. Pikachu * VS. Onix * VS. Gyarados * VS. Rhydon * VS. Starmie * VS. Fearow * VS. Voltorb * VS. Electabuzz * VS. Snorlax * VS. Psyduck * VS. Arbok * VS. Wartortle * VS. Tauros * VS. Jynx * VS. Ninetales * VS. Eevee * VS. Vileplume * VS. Nidoking * VS. Victreebel * VS. Magmar * VS. Dragonite * VS. Articuno * VS. Moltres * VS. Kadabra * VS. Mr. Mime * VS. Golbat * VS. Zapdos * VS. Articuno * VS. Kadabra * VS. Legendary Birds * VS. Mewtwo (Part 1) * VS. Mewtwo (Part 2) * VS. Dratini
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