| - There was a time when she was just as beautiful as the Queen of the Nile. Of course, this gives away her age. In her younger days, she was the most polite young woman you could ever hope to meet. Brilliant with complex problems and she was even one of the many minds behind the irrigation system of ancient Egypt. Returning from her days toil, the young woman was attacked by a group of men and bearing no significant strength, she was overpowered and her purity, her body, once untouched was polluted. Her spirit, and her will had been broken and in addition to her torment, she was taken away from the land she knew and away from the people she loved and she was imprisoned. As the months dragged on the young woman, so beautiful was nothing more than a shadow of her former self. A mere play thing she had become to these men and she was not alone either. She knew by the screams and the pained pleas that she was not alone; wherever she was. Shackled by foot and by wrist she rarely saw daylight and when she did it was only through small cracks of her own personal Hell. She was rarely fed and that was how all of them were to be. Weak stomachs were frail bodies as the saying goes. She remained a prisoner and was often visited throughout the nights by her captors. Pleasure and pain their sweet torment brought her and the only pleasure she truly received was when her strength had all but left her limp and broken. It was a full moon the night that she heard one of those accursed men scream. Perhaps one of the other prisoners bit down on his phallus? If not that then surely she fought back and struck with force and low. She did not know; the young woman, now prisoner for two years laid on the floor, in the spread fashion of an eagle in her indecency. She only moved when she shuddered as the barred door to her prison opened. She thought of pleading with them but that never worked. They would simply take her for the long time that they always lasted—until the sun had arisen. In her helplessness, she was lifted from the cold floor but not by her captors; it was by a woman. She thought of her to be one of the other prisoners until she took noticed of her well defined physique. She also appeared to be young as well. Yet, none of that mattered. Her eyes were what had struck fear into the young woman’s heart. A pale green they were and a fierce fire they burned in the somber horde they stood in. "Do you want to live?" The young woman blinked in shock. She knew not what to say, for if she said no, the woman would possibly leave her there to rot and on the other hand, this woman may just kill her. Snapping from her idleness at the screams of one of the other prisoners, she looked to the strange woman’s eyes once more. They continued to burn through the darkness of their surroundings and she only blinked when the young woman; deprived of food, sleep, and sun pleaded for her life. "Very well then…" With those words, the strange woman laid her on her back and then straddled her. She then ran her tongue from her exposed belly to her bare breast and with one hand, she fondled one while she sucked on the aureola of the other. Too weak to produce any other audible sound than her words earlier, the young woman did nothing as her body was yet again, played with. After what seemed the hour to pass and the screams now non-existent, the strange woman began to lick and kiss at the young woman’s neck a few moments passed before she spoke. "…Do your best not to scream…" What does she mean? Was she going to torture her before she could ever see the light of day or even the moon? Was it mere pleasure she was after or…? Her mind was shattered as a searing pain burned its way into her neck. Her mouth open, trying to scream for dear life, produced no sound. She hadn’t the strength to even muster a scream. It was not long after the world was painted black yet again. She felt light. Almost as if she were being carried by something. The pain soon evolved into a warm sensation which reminded her of the little pleasure she had gotten from being taken advantage of. As she awoke, she found herself in light. Torchlight to be exact and her indecency had been covered. Her body had been covered with small but weighted armor—only her breasts and her lower body had been covered. Slowly pushing herself to move, she was surprised that she had as much strength as she did. Despite the weight she had lost from poor nourishment, the young woman felt as strong as she did the night she had been beaten so long ago. Despite the fact that she appeared to be sickly. Looking over the room she had been in, she noted that it had been warm. She had not felt decent warmth in a long time. There had been sand which covered some areas of the floor and as she looked further she saw two exits to where she had been. The young woman had not remembered much but she recalled those eyes. Putting her hand to the left side of her neck, she felt nothing. She had held her neck for quite some time before she heard bare feet striking the floor which her own feet dangled above. Seeing that it was a young man who had entered, she took a slight amount of caution to his presence. "You needn’t worry; your meal will be brought to you so that you may be able to recover your strength." With those words, he then departed. The young woman was unsure of what had been going on yet, so far everything seemed to be all right. Later, she had been somewhat restless since she had done nothing but sit where she had awoken. She was not sure of what was going on but what was on her mind was food. For the longest of a time it seemed; the heavenly aroma of something was slowly driving her insane. Instinctively, she knew it to be meat. Almost on instinct, her attention snapped back to the entrance which the young man had entered before. Somehow, she knew that it had been two men and one woman that were approaching. As they came into view, she saw the two men but then stared as she saw the last woman before she had lost her consciousness. "I do hope you are feeling better than you were?" As the strange woman’s voice echoed due to the size of the room, the young woman slowly nodded and then inquired of where she was. The strange woman told her that all would be revealed in due time—but first, she needed to build her strength. The two men approached with her meal. Her eyes were as agape as her mouth as she stared at the meat. It was an entire boar. Freshly cooked and by the scent, she could tell it had been seasoned. She was salivating and was blissfully unaware that her saliva had been splattering all over the boar. "Well, you should eat shouldn’t you?" Looking at the strange woman, she saw that her hair had been red. She was unable to see her hair before but now as she studied the woman, she could see that she was beautiful. Heeding her advice, the young woman reached for the boar but knew not what to do without utensils. She was then told to use her hands and then the strange woman knelt before her after drawing nearer. She cupped her chin and looked into her eyes. The young woman knew not what was being searched for, but for some reason, the strange woman smiled and to follow this, she effortlessly brought her to her lips and kissed her and seductively began to suck on her bottom lip. Slowly pulling away from her, the strange woman stood and told her that she would later return for there was much to discuss. The three of them then left her to her meal. The young woman was unsure of what to do. She disliked being handled and she also disliked her situation, however; hunger quickly took over and she began to devour the boar. Meat from bone, spices and partially burnt meat were all that remained when she had finished. The young woman was enthralled by her sudden burst in hunger. Soon after that, she was asleep. In her slumber she was within that of bliss. She dreamt of her father and her mother, however, this dream quickly ended as the scent of four individuals entered her nostrils. Quickly getting to her feet, she growled at the intruders. They were all women except for one and as she saw the strange woman again, her aggression nearly vanished in an instant. The male commented on her violence while the female in blue garments and silver armor commented on her fangs—putting a finger in her mouth she froze. Fondling her teeth, she found that they were longer and sharper than they had been so long ago. "The only way to save your life was to empower you. There simply was no other way of ensuring your life would even make it this far if I hadn’t." Despite what she was told, she did not move. She was in a state of shock. She did not blink, move, and it seemed as if she had not been breathing. The silent woman in black garments with gold armor then approached her and with a few seconds in delay, she was knocked to the floor and thus brought back from her shock. The strange woman told Arsenic that her actions were not necessary, yet Malice, in her silver armor informed her that it was since such states as she has seen, some have not recovered for weeks. Recovering from her loss of self, she found the strange woman in front her and in-between her legs. She then introduced herself as Aneko; and while caressing her thigh, she asked the young woman of hers. She gave no answer. Looking to Arsenic, she then rubbed her throbbing jaw as Aneko poked the tip of her nose. From this point, your name shall be Ouroboros and as such, Crucifix shall be your mate. The word “mate” made Ouroboros uneasy, however, Aneko clarified that he would protect her as she would protect him. In a sense, it was system of ensuring each other safety as well as satisfaction if the need ever did arise. The sexual options of her definition only increased these feelings of unease while Crucifix did not seem excited to say the least. He did nothing more than explain himself to be her tutor in the Ars. Ouroboros inquired what he meant, however, he did nothing more than take his leave. Aneko told her that her life has been taken from her and that she offered a new life which under certain rules, she could function with much enjoyment. Ouroboros saw this as the choice to either join and live or to be killed when she least expected it. Without not much the choice left, Ouroboros accepted Aneko’s offer who was more than overjoyed to hear her answer and proof of this was when Aneko held her in and embrace. After she released Ouroboros, Arsenic then led her down the hall for which they came and explained that Crucifix would not only be her overseer but also Arsenic would also be her secondary mentor as the Ars were talents which they both specialized in. With nervousness and anticipation, she looked to Aneko as she caressed her tender neck and prepared herself to live her new life…