A British mini-series consisting of four Shakespeare plays updated to the modern day with modern sensibilities. The series overall
* Hey, It's That Guy!
* The Alcoholic: Don
* Belligerent Sexual Tension: As usual.
* Brainless Beauty: Hero starts out this way.
* Celebrity Paradox: Shakespeare exists in universe, but it is never stated as to whether the play the story is based on was written.
* Daddy's Girl: Hero
* Fiery Redhead: Benedick. Beatrice also has a reddish tint to her hair, she also attends the costume party as Elizabeth I, another well known Fiery Redhead.
* Hot Scoop
* Human Interest Story: Beatrice wants to cover one about the closure of a nursing home.
* Monster Clown: Invoked by Don's creepy party costume.
* Nice Guy: Peter the dire
Attributes | Values |
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| - A British mini-series consisting of four Shakespeare plays updated to the modern day with modern sensibilities. The series overall
* Hey, It's That Guy!
* The Alcoholic: Don
* Belligerent Sexual Tension: As usual.
* Brainless Beauty: Hero starts out this way.
* Celebrity Paradox: Shakespeare exists in universe, but it is never stated as to whether the play the story is based on was written.
* Daddy's Girl: Hero
* Fiery Redhead: Benedick. Beatrice also has a reddish tint to her hair, she also attends the costume party as Elizabeth I, another well known Fiery Redhead.
* Hot Scoop
* Human Interest Story: Beatrice wants to cover one about the closure of a nursing home.
* Monster Clown: Invoked by Don's creepy party costume.
* Nice Guy: Peter the dire
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| - A British mini-series consisting of four Shakespeare plays updated to the modern day with modern sensibilities. The series overall
* Hey, It's That Guy!
* The Alcoholic: Don
* Belligerent Sexual Tension: As usual.
* Brainless Beauty: Hero starts out this way.
* Celebrity Paradox: Shakespeare exists in universe, but it is never stated as to whether the play the story is based on was written.
* Daddy's Girl: Hero
* Fiery Redhead: Benedick. Beatrice also has a reddish tint to her hair, she also attends the costume party as Elizabeth I, another well known Fiery Redhead.
* Hot Scoop
* Human Interest Story: Beatrice wants to cover one about the closure of a nursing home.
* Monster Clown: Invoked by Don's creepy party costume.
* Nice Guy: Peter the director.
* Those Two Guys: The security guards.
* A Father to His Men: Macbeth
* Asshole Victim: Duncan
* Knowledge Broker: They're binmen, they know everything.
* Shirtless Scene: Macbeth
* Beleaguered Assistant: Tim
* Berserk Button: Kate, she's like a female Don from Sexy Beast.
* Boisterous Bruiser: The first thing Petruchio does is to break open a door to his his only friend, Harry.
* Cross Dresser: Petruchio gets these urges sometimes, usually at the most inappropriate moments.
* Drowning My Sorrows: Harry does this after Bianca dumps him.
* Gold Digger: Petruchio wants to get to married to pay off his debts.
* Hair-Trigger Temper: Kate seems permanently furious.
* Hot-Blooded: Petruchio gets over hangovers by fighting them.
* Impoverished Patrician: Petruchio has a title and an estate but no liquid assets.
* Love At First Sight: Petruchio to Kate (surprisingly).
* Missing Mom: Petruchio's mother left when he was six.
* The Nameless: Petruchio is never named as such in the entirety of the film.
* The Napoleon: Kate gets this treatment especially coupled with her political aspirations.
* Prenup Blowup
* Romancing the Widow: Harry
* Tomboy and Girly Girl: Kate and Bianca respectively.
* The Wonka: Petruchio, his eccentricity and his cavalier attitude allows him to court Kate successfully.
* Workaholic: Kate's diary has a full work day but in the evening she's emptying the bin.
* Breaking the Fourth Wall: Puck does this constantly.
* Interspecies Romance: Titania and Oberon.