| - 2007-2037 "Year of the Dragonfly" *Theme song: Stan Bush's "transformers",Imagine Dragons' "Battle Cry", Fallout Boy's "Centuries" There is no Optimus Prime in this Universe, or Megatron (They died in the First Great War) This series isn't really serious, this series isn't really random, or like Bored Fish era, but Based off it (Kinda) but in between Serious and Random, it also takes elements from G1, Beast Wars, Armada,Movie, (Most continuities that are canon) (Star Trek canon in this year (2037) is also Canon in this Era because it states more about humanity.)
| - 2007-2037 "Year of the Dragonfly" *Theme song: Stan Bush's "transformers",Imagine Dragons' "Battle Cry", Fallout Boy's "Centuries" There is no Optimus Prime in this Universe, or Megatron (They died in the First Great War) This series isn't really serious, this series isn't really random, or like Bored Fish era, but Based off it (Kinda) but in between Serious and Random, it also takes elements from G1, Beast Wars, Armada,Movie, (Most continuities that are canon) (Star Trek canon in this year (2037) is also Canon in this Era because it states more about humanity.) The Autobot Navy and the Autobot Airforce are the Misfit Autobots/Cybertrons/Maximals' Groups made to Fight the Seacons and the Jeticons. Both Autobots, Decepticons AND the Maximals,Predacons are in this series. The Predacons basically exist without depending on the Decepticons, and some characters being both Predacon and Decepticon at the same time. 2037 was basically the "darkest hour" for Cybertron. This era is also a franchise, that has Transformers:Origins and Transformers:New Beginnings in it. they'll also have some small eras leading up to this one.