Dr. Lida is a human scientist working for Antigen in Underworld: Awakening.
Lida is the mother of Lue.
The flag of Lida.
Lida is a fruit originating from a plant lifeform, tended to in orchards of trees grown on the planet Trill. Koal, the uncle of Jadzia and Ziranne Idaris, owned a large lida orchard. (DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: "Reflections")
Lida est une scientifique humaine travaillant pour Antigen dans Underworld : Nouvelle Ère.
Lida was a male Human corporal who lived on the planet of Balmorra. He made his living as a vendor selling heavy armor.
Lida es una humana científica que trabaja para Antigen en Underworld: Awakening. Ella es interpretada por Sandrine Holt.