| - The user slashes with their sword rapidly in all directions, creating a rush of strikes with such speed that wind accompanies each slash to deal additional damage. This attack first appears in the PlayStation version of Tales of Destiny as the final and most powerful melee attack that can be learned by Garr Kelvin. This is his only Sacred Skill, allowing it to be chained at the end of any attack as part of a combo. This attack represents a merger of his training in both swordsmanship and archery, combining aspects of both styles into a single attack while making up for his inability to use his pure archery abilities while a melee weapon is equipped. He retains this arte in the remake versions of the game as one of several purely sword-based attacks, despite its Wind-elemental properties. This arte appears rarely within the movelists of other characters and classes, having been added to the Brandish class of Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 as an attack that chains between the base and arcane artes that were used traditionally by Veigue Lungberg. This attack marks one of the few differences between this class and the more magic-based Paladin class. In Tales of Graces, Asbel Lhant obtains this arte as part of his "Sheathed Blade Assault Style", enabling its use while his sword is held within its scabbard. This attack is unique from others within the same style because Asbel draws his blade to execute the attack. After completing the arte, he returns the sword to its sheath, allowing him to continue within the sheathed blade style without requiring a Style Shift action. This attack can also be activated as part of an altered arte chain, during which the three Burst Style attacks, Frost Breaker, Moonlight Circle, and Infernal Torrent, are used in consecutive order. Void Sword replaces Infernal Torrent after it is used again at the end of this chain, returning Asbel to the "Artes Style" automatically.