| - thumb|Das Hologramm von Crell Moset. Crell Moset ist ein cardassianischer Exobiologe, der 2371 der Vorsitzende Exobiologe der Universität von Culat ist.
- Dr. Crell Moset was a male Cardassian scientist in the 24th century.
- Dr. Crell Moset was a Cardassian scientist, an exobiologist who carried out horrific experiments on Bajor in the name of his trade reminiscent of those by Earth's Josef Mengele. Clues to his atrocities existed but were never put together by the Federation, but the nightmarish nature of his experiments was well known to Bajorans and those affiliated with the Maquis. He also served as the Chairman of the Exobiology department at the University of Culat. (VOY: "Nothing Human")
- Dr. Crell Moset was a male Cardassian exobiologist of the 24th century Cardassian Union. By 2371, he became the chief exobiology specialist on Cardassia Prime and was the Chairman of Exobiology at the University of Culat. He was renowned even among other civilizations as the foremost exobiologist. To all outward appearances, Moset was polite and courteous with a brilliant medical mind. But, in reality, Crell Moset, was cold, calculating and ruthless; doing whatever he wanted to get the data he needed.
| - Dr. Crell Moset was a Cardassian scientist, an exobiologist who carried out horrific experiments on Bajor in the name of his trade reminiscent of those by Earth's Josef Mengele. Clues to his atrocities existed but were never put together by the Federation, but the nightmarish nature of his experiments was well known to Bajorans and those affiliated with the Maquis. He also served as the Chairman of the Exobiology department at the University of Culat. (VOY: "Nothing Human") He claimed that some of his methods--used to cure the Fostossa virus epidemic on Bajor--were the result of a lack of resources on Bajor, claims that were repeated on in Starfleet's medical database, but experiments related by survivors of his cruelty cast grave doubt upon these claims. Examples of war crimes committed by Crell Moset included deliberately blinding patients to see how they would adapt, and burning the skin of Bajorans with acid just to see how long it took them to heal. The vaccine against Fostossa virus, too, was tainted by his sadistic cruelty. To devise his cure, Moset ordered every known strain of the virus, but none of the compounds normally used to synthesize a vaccine. Instead, Moset caused an outbreak in the vicinity of his hospital and experimented on those that he himself had sickened. For this, he was awarded the Legate's Crest of Valor.
- Dr. Crell Moset was a male Cardassian exobiologist of the 24th century Cardassian Union. By 2371, he became the chief exobiology specialist on Cardassia Prime and was the Chairman of Exobiology at the University of Culat. He was renowned even among other civilizations as the foremost exobiologist. To all outward appearances, Moset was polite and courteous with a brilliant medical mind. But, in reality, Crell Moset, was cold, calculating and ruthless; doing whatever he wanted to get the data he needed. During the Occupation of Bajor, Dr. Moset was practicing medicine on Bajor. Without the resources to try traditional methods, Moset experimented with procedures that never would have occurred to him under ordinary circumstances. As a doctor on Bajor, Moset found the simplest tools, such as scalpels, were the most effective because modern equipment removed a doctor from his subject. It was by these methods that he accidentally discovered the cure for the Fostossa virus epidemic, saving thousands of Bajorans' lives and for which he won the Legate's Crest of Valor. What was unknown outside of Cardassia and Bajor, however, was the fact that all of Moset's experiments were performed on living people. Thousands of Bajorans were killed in his so-called hospital, including USS Voyager crewmember Ensign Tabor's brother and grandfather. Many of his studies included experiments such as blinding his "patients" so he could study how they adapted, or exposing them to polytrinic acid just to see how long it would take for their skin to heal. The most horrific part of Moset's experiments was the method used to cure the Fostossa virus epidemic, which was accomplished by infecting hundreds of people so that he could experiment with different treatments. According to Starfleet records, Moset purchased many biochemical agents, including every known strain of the Fostossa virus – a typical procedure in the development of vaccines. However, he didn't ask for any of the enzymes normally required for synthesizing a vaccine. Four days after he received the virus samples, there was a minor outbreak of Fostossa in the vicinity of his hospital. Prior to that date, there had not been a single case in the entire province. In 2375, Dr. Moset's data was consulted by The Doctor aboard Voyager in an effort to remove a cytoplasmic lifeform that was living on Lt. B'Elanna Torres. B'Elanna and others vehemently objected to the use of Moset's knowledge to treat B'Elanna considering Moset a war criminal. The Doctor, expressing his desire to save B'Elanna regardless of Moset's professional history. Considering him a genius (but lacking knowledge of the atrocities he had committed), The Doctor even made a holographic simulation of Dr. Moset as "Medical Consultant Program Beta one". The Doctor deleted the hologram after the creature had been removed as he was unable to reconcile Moset's successes with the brutal methods he resorted to in order to gain the data in the first place. (VOY: "Nothing Human")
- thumb|Das Hologramm von Crell Moset. Crell Moset ist ein cardassianischer Exobiologe, der 2371 der Vorsitzende Exobiologe der Universität von Culat ist.
- Dr. Crell Moset was a male Cardassian scientist in the 24th century.