| - Zaktan is a super hero. He is often called Ugly Hero. Zaktan was created when millions of little bugs gathered around and got stuck in an evil piece of gum. They are now stuck together in the form of Zaktan. The piece of gum is the brain! As a kid, he loved to run around with scissors he stole from a staples store which was bad because the employees found him 30 years later an replaced his hand with the scissors he now uses as a weapon and play doh cutter.
- Just a Piraka coming out in comic's version 2.0.
- Zaktan was the leader of the Piraka.
- Zaktan era un Skakdi de Aire, así como el líder de los siete renegados Skakdi Cazadores Oscuros que se nombraron a sí mismos los Piraka.
- Zaktan oli älykäs ja julma Skakdien lajiin kuuluva olento, joka koostui miljardeista protodiiteistä. Hän petti Pimeyden metsästäjät ja oli toisista Skakdeista koostuvan Piraka-joukon johtaja. Hän mutatoitui käärmemäiseksi olennoksi Tyrmän mutageenin takia ja opasti Toa Hagahit Makuta Teridaxin luokse Mata Nuin mieleen. Siellä Teridax räjäytti hänen lasitankkinsa. Zaktan selvisi ja päätyi Zakazille. Hän sukelsi Sähköistyneeseen Protodermikseen ja päätyi osaksi Kultaista olentoa.
- Zaktan (a.k.a, "the Snake") was a former Dark Hunter and leader of the Piraka, and a member of the Skakdi species.
- Zaktan war ein Skakdi und einer der sechs Piraka die beschlossen hatten, die Maske des Lebens, die Kanohi Ignika zu finden. Als die Kanohi ins Wasser fiel, folgten er und die Piraka später und mutierten zu Aalen. Im Bestimmungskrieg wurde er auf eine Mission mit den Toa Hagah geschickt, bei der er von Makuta Teridax getötet wurde.
- Zaktan (a.k.a "the Snake") was a former Dark Hunter and the leader of the six-Skakdi group known as the Piraka.
- Zaktan was a Geonosian male bounty hunter, former member of the dark hunters and leader of the Piraka-gang. He and the other 5 Piraka were mutated into monstrous forms through contact with energized protodermis. After that experience, Zaktan attempted to overthrow the Shadowed One. When this failed, he was sentenced to death by way of the Shadowed One's deadly eyebeams. Bizarrely, however, the beams did not kill Zaktan. Instead, his body was transformed into a mass of protodites, each of which shared some of Zaktan's conscience. This gave Zaktan the ability to assume a semi liquid form.
- Zaktan to tajemnica, którą muszę rozwiązać... najlepiej powoli i z dużą dawką jego cierpienia. Jest samowolnym przywódcą Piraka, jest zagrożeniem dla mojego autorytetu, które muszę usunąć... - TSO Zaktan to tajemniczy, przerażający władca Piraka, zwany też "The Snake" (Wąż). GregF mówi, ze on, Hakann i Avak są bardzo zabawnymi postaciami.