| - The story starts with a cerimony, to reward the god plant for turning Barbara Minerva into the Cheetah.
At Julia's summer home, Diana flies in celebration at the contents of Barbara's letter hinting at another surviving group of Amazons. Myndi waits to take Diana to meet with Barbara. Julia is worried that it is a trick of some sort.
Myndi and Diana arrive at Barbara's penthouse. She easily tricks Diana into handing over the lasso she is after, but its power forces her to tell the truth and her deception is revealed. Diana is furious, and unfairly blames Myndi for the deception. She storms out and refuses to take Myndi's calls. In her mind, this betrayal, both Barbara's real one and Myndi's imagined one, show that she has accomplished nothing.
Barbara is not done yet though. She uses the magic of the god plant to transform again into the Cheetah and heads out to hunt Diana. She finds Diana asleep in the woods and attacks. Her magic powers prove dangerous to the Amazon Princess, her claws cutting Diana. Diana turns the tide of the battle though catching Cheetah in her lasso, but the magic of the god plant protects her from the lasso's power. Her surprise attack overpowers Daina, but before she can capitolize on it, she's stopped by a gunshot from Julia.
Cheetah is hurled into a lake, and Diana tries to save her, but can't find her.
Soon after, Diana has a tearful goodbye with Julia and Vanessa, and departs for home.