| - Marcy came to the hospital to donate part of her liver to her sister, Karen.
- Marcy (? - 2009) es un personaje aleatorio de Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, se le puede encuentrar en Presidents City, Algonquin.
- Upon orders from H50 Detective Danny Williams, she made an announcement for Jarrod Prodeman to come to the airport desk but when a man came, the H50/NCIS task force discovered that it was actually Benjamin Gallagher who was posing as Prodeman and that the real Prodeman was already on a flight to Los Angeles.
- Marcy (マルチェラ Maruchera?, for Marcella) is the youngest of the four Devas in Chrono Cross and is a fiery girl who gets her way while maintaining strong likes and dislikes for others.
- Marcy is a random character in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.
- Marcy is a character mentioned by in the episode "Whale of a Birthday." It is possible that she is friends with Pearl. It is unknown if she will make a physical appearance in the series.
- Marcy is a Gate Attendant who appeared in "Pa Make Loa".
- Marcy is a werewolf in New York who is in a relationship with a Sighted mundane named Adrienne.
- thumb|Die ,kranke’ Marcy Marcy († 2009 in The Exchange), eine nicht sonderlich attraktive blonde Frau mittleren Alters, ist einer der acht Zufallscharaktere aus Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. Huang begegnet ihr das erste Mal an der Albany Avenue, auf Höhe des südwestlichen kreuzförmigen Wohnblocks in Presidents City, Algonquin. Marcy kann man sowohl tagsüber als auch nachts finden.
- Marcy egy vérfarkaslány, aki egy a Látás képességével rendelkező mondénnel, Adrienne-nel jár.
- Marcy, also known as Marci, is a werewolf and one of the Alphas. She first appears in Fool Moon and is named in the short story "Aftermath".
- Marcy is a character from The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. Marcy works at the Post Office in Hyrule Town, where she is second-in-command to Stamp. She is very mellow and laid back, a contrast to her boss. Once Link fuses Kinstones with the Postman, Marcy will begin selling Swiftblade's Swordsman Newsletters for 200 Rupees per volume.
- Marcy appeared in a total of 1 episode over the course of the series. Season 8 Desperate Housewitches
- Marcy es una mujer lobo de Nueva York quien está en una relación con una mundana con la Visión llamada Adrienne.
- Eines abends im August 2007 wollte Marcys Freundin Adrienne mit ihr ausgehen, obwohl es in dieser Nacht Vollmond hatte. Da sie jedoch schließlich zu der Überzeugung kam, dass sie trotz ihres Daseins als Werwolf noch ein normales Leben führen kann, stimmte sie zu.
- Marcy Kornblum is a fictional character in the Hey Arnold! TV Series. She is a member of Tish's all girls bowling team in the episode "Coach Wittenberg" She is a student at P.S. 118. Her full name is mentioned in the episode "Dinner For Four", when she wins the 4th place prize in P.S. 118's Fight for Peace charity raffle. She is the narrator in P.S. 118's production of "Romeo and Juliet" in the episode "School Play." She was also a competitor in the city wide spelling bee in the episode "Spelling Bee". She was eliminated after misspelling the word 'spurious'.
- Marcy es una niña de 11 años. Ella vive con sus papás, a las afueras de un pequeño pueblo. Sus padres recibieron la noticia de que uno de los abuelos de Marcy estaba muy enfermo y saldrían el día siguiente muy temprano para ir a visitarlo y asegurarse de su recuperación. La noche anterior a salir hablaron con ella: -Marcy; mañana saldremos a visitar a tu abuelo, está algo enfermo y tenemos que ir a cuidarlo. Estaremos fuera un par de días, ¿crees poder cuidarte sola?- Le preguntó su mamá. -Claro que sí, mamá, no hay problema; estaré bien- Dijo Marcy mientras le sonreía a su madre.
- thumb|190px|Marcy dans GTA Chinatown WarsMarcy est un personnage aléatoire dans Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. Elle demande à Huang Lee (le protagoniste dans cet épisode de la série Grand Theft Auto) de l'emmener en voiture faire des cascades et des excès de vitesse pour profiter des dernières heures qui lui restent à vivre selon elle. À la fin de la course, Huang dépose Marcy au Holland Hospital Center et le joueur peut conserver la voiture qu'il a utilisée, Marcy l'avait volée avant que la mission commence. La seconde mission débute là où la première avait fini : devant l'hôpital, où Marcy raconte à Huang qu'elle a été mal diagnostiquée et qu'elle veut engager un procès contre l'établissement. Huang la conduit donc au bureau de son avocat et la jeune femme décède peu après, renversée
- Marcy was one of the five college students vacationing in the titular cabin in in Cabin Fever. She was played by Cerina Vincent. Along with most of her friends, she was eventually infected with the flesh eating disease that was spreading throughout the county. Marcy was the second member of the group to be infected, contracting the disease from a cup of tea (unknown to the holidaymakers, the cabin's water supply was tainted, due to the dead body of the hermit being in the reservoir). Though she was exposed to the disease much earlier than Bert, she didn't develop any symptoms until after he did.