| - The young Indian recruits were helpless. They did not even know how to take cover, and there were not enough officers to control them. I say this in no spirit of disparagement. It was the penalty of years of unpreparedness for war coming out in all its stark nakedness.
- Some of the prisoners were let out of the bungalow to find their captors waiting for them with water and cigarettes which they held just out of reach while a party of Japanese war correspondents took pictures of the captives, about to receive them. When the correspondents had gone, the water was poured away, the cigarettes pocketed and the men bundled back inside.
- While most of the Australians, the majority roped together like a chain gang, were first shot,some of the Japanese officer decided it was time the samurai swords they carried - often family heirlooms - tasted blood,and practiced their skills on the Indians, perhaps because the average Asian's collar size tends to be smaller than a Caucasian's.