| - Luneshine: 30% chance for shots to ignore enemy shields, +75% Weapon Accuracy, Freezes enemies solid, Sustained fire and aiming down the sights increases accuracy
- +75% Weapon Accuracy, Sustained fire and aiming down the sights increases accuracy
- +75% Weapon Accuracy, Freezes enemies solid, Sustained fire and aiming down the sights increases accuracy
- +75% Weapon Accuracy, Highly effective vs Armor, Sustained fire and aiming down the sights increases accuracy
- +75% Weapon Accuracy, Highly effective vs Shields, Sustained fire and aiming down the sights increases accuracy
- +75% Weapon Accuracy, +120% Critical Hit Damage, Highly effective vs Flesh, Sustained fire and aiming down the sights increases accuracy
- +75% Weapon Accuracy, +50% Melee Damage, Sustained fire and aiming down the sights increases accuracy
- +75% Weapon Accuracy, Highly effective vs Flesh, Sustained fire and aiming down the sights increases accuracy
- +75% Weapon Accuracy, Increased weapon stability, Highly effective vs Shields, Sustained fire and aiming down the sights increases accuracy