| - Repanse de Lyonesse won fame as the dreaded Damoiselle de Guerre who rallied the battered armies of Bretonnia during the kingdom's darkest hour. This was when King Louis the Brave was slain in battle before Couronne fighting a vast Chaos horde invading Bretonnia from beyond the Sea of Claws. Louis' army was all but destroyed. Couronne was besieged and to make matters worse the king's heir was still a child unable to lead the nation.[1a] Chaos raiders spread out across the land burning and destroying. Everywhere Knights were hacked down as they bravely defied impossible odds. At this moment, amidst the smoking ruins of a small village in remote Lyonesse, Repanse saw the Lady of the Lake. The Lady appeared to speak saying "Repanse, Repanse, rid my land of these foul foes, for they do offend me with their presence!"[1a] Repanse was no more than seventeen years of age, a humble shepherdess who was devoutly religious. Inspired by her vision she donned armour that she found on a slain Knight and grabbed the reins of a terrified warhorse which was running loose. She broke open the reliquary of the village grail chapel and took up the sword she found within. Snatching a tapestry hung on the wall she fastened it to a lance and rode forth to rally the scattered and disheartened Knights of Lyonesse.[1a] When the retreating Knights saw a mere damsel bravely setting off to do battle with the mighty warriors of Chaos, and one who was undoubtedly favoured by the Lady of the Lake, they were shamed and felt honour bound to follow her to death or glory! While the ramparts of Couronne were cracking under the impact of the battering rams of the Chaos Lord, word was brought of a new Bretonnian army approaching fast and trampling beneath their hooves any foe in their path.[1a] As the great doors were about to give way, the banner of the dreaded Damoiselle appeared leading a great host of Knights arrayed in a single lancehead formation. They cleft their way through the Chaos ranks until Repanse was face to face with the Chaos Lord himself. When he raised his great sword above his grimacing visage he was momentarily dazzled by Repanse's radiant aura, and she beheaded him with a single sword stroke![1a] Couronne was saved and the remnants of the enemy were pursued to the sea and justly put to death. In gratitude, Louis the Young bestowed upon Repanse not only all the honours of knighthood but also the Dukedom of Lyonesse.[1a]